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"Le festin des huitres/Chit-chat with Oysters" is available online since tonight!

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    Originally posted by newyorkpf View Post
    Very nice film. I have two questions
    1. What are the Wbins David talks about at 33:00? Internet search suggests a special form of subwoofer speakers by JBL
    2. The snippets from Pompeii: have they been converted to black and white only for this film to make it all look more cohesive?
    W-bins are (were?) a type of speaker cabinet design using the 'folded horn' principle. Cerwin Vega made them. Essentially, speaker cabinet designers moved beyond the '60s standard of fitting four 12" drivers in a shallow, un-ported cabinet (per Marshall, Laney, WEM and everybody else). Some rudimentary calculations were arrived at that set out the area, or volume of a cabinet needed to maximise the efficiency and frequency spectrum that a driver could deliver. Some manufacturers duly made huge cabinets, but others got clever at folding up the requisite space into unconventional forms. A 'W Bin' places a driver at the middle point of the 'W', facing into the cabinet which has an 3D form of baffles within.

    All a bit weirdy-beardy and Grateful Dead-y. Stoned acoustic-physics calculations scrawled down by hippies with degrees from MIT. You maybe had to be there!

    Like a lot of gear in the Pompeii film it was cutting edge in 1971 and totally unhip and obsolete now. Apparently W Bins could throw beams of sound over vast distances but could sound vague and quiet up close (when used in bass rigs, anyway).

    Glenn Hughes' terrifying bass rig at the Cal Jam festival was basically HiWatt heads on top of Martin W-bins.


    • beeco
      beeco commented
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      I have no idea what that means but I love the idea that Dave knew how to get a good sound. I've tried reading about the Dead's wall of sound and just get lost. Looked bloody great though!

    Could some kind soul send me a link to download the full video with audio. I tried downloading it but no audio came through. Cheers.
    Pink Floyd - December 8th, 1987 - Seattle Kingdome


    • zorigor
      zorigor commented
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      Please to me, too
      Many thanks

    • dave_32
      dave_32 commented
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      if some kind person could link me too please!

    • floydian1
      floydian1 commented
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      And me as well please.

    thanks for the link received, hope it will be useful the other ones I've sent
    Last edited by stefano; 02-17-2024, 08:00 AM.


      The audio is in the new Opus format. Info link attached. (I hope that I did that correctly. It's my first try here.) If your media player isn't fully updated, you may not be able to hear the audio. One thing you can try to verify this is to use your internet browser to play the file.


        Originally posted by stefano View Post
        Unfortunatly I can't d/l the full show (not the yt video, mean the full video). Anyone could send me a link to d/l it?
        please please
        thanks a lot !
        Please !!!! could be send to me a link​ also ... Big Thanks !!!


          oh I think I would also appreciate a league of the rum version! They did me a favor and sent me a link but it was already expired. thank you!


            so...the bits where they are tracking guitar and vocals in the studio - were these staged for the camera as per the Abbey Road footage? The part where David is tracking the funky bit in Echoes is just him on his own, which is fair enough, but I can't hear anything else, and he's not wearing headphones so he's possibly doing his overdubs in the control room and the recording is just the separate track? Or is it just for show?

            I seem to remember they overdubbed parts of the Pompeii soundtrack? Is it possible they were overdubbing for this when Adrian went to interview them? They recorded Meddle at Air and Morgan in London, and I'm kind of assuming that Adrian did the original interviews in Paris when they were doing the last few tracks, but this is just guesswork.


              Originally posted by Blackstrat View Post
              so...the bits where they are tracking guitar and vocals in the studio - were these staged for the camera as per the Abbey Road footage? / . . . but this is just guesswork.
              the matter of fact is that the audio is simply overdubbed on the video during editing - in this case there are repeated passages of sound on different footages of the video as well as identical footages of the video voiced by different passages of audio

              we must not forget that there is also footages in The director’s Cut release - there is another version of the sound overdubbed on the same video footages as in this 2013 film


                I am so sorry but...... I downloaded this from Rontoon (thank you) and stored it on my laptop under 'Pink Floyd'. Can I find it? Nada. I wonder if some kind person might let me have a download link please? Thanks in advance.


                • Simond
                  Simond commented
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                  A big thank you to the kind folks who sent me links.

                • Simond
                  Simond commented
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                  And I just found my original download. I'd dragged and dropped it into the wrong folder (doh!)

                Am I the only one who finds the interviews a really uncomfortable watch?

                Both Roger and Dave come across as pretty arrogant and snobbish and the atmosphere in the dinner room does not exactly feel very relaxed.
                Or the moment when Maben takes a quick shot of the roadie in the background - their reaction is not exactly heartwarming.

                Nick and his sense of humour and Rick being his insecure and modest self can only balance it out a little.
                I can see why they would not want this included in the Early Box set or an extended version of Live In Pompeii...

                Still, it's fantastic to have this doc, especially as it's edited really well.
                And it gives you an idea of how early the internal friction in the band had existed.
                But I don't see myself watching it often...


                  Originally posted by surfling View Post
                  Am I the only one who finds the interviews a really uncomfortable watch?

                  Both Roger and Dave come across as pretty arrogant and snobbish and the atmosphere in the dinner room does not exactly feel very relaxed.
                  Or the moment when Maben takes a quick shot of the roadie in the background - their reaction is not exactly heartwarming.

                  Nick and his sense of humour and Rick being his insecure and modest self can only balance it out a little.
                  I can see why they would not want this included in the Early Box set or an extended version of Live In Pompeii...

                  Still, it's fantastic to have this doc, especially as it's edited really well.
                  And it gives you an idea of how early the internal friction in the band had existed.
                  But I don't see myself watching it often...
                  For me, the behavior of the band members seemed pretty on par. As for the moment where Chris Adamson gets filmed, that's just good humor and not malicious in my opinion. Dry humor, yes, but very good.

                  You also have to remember that the band were not keen on being filmed and interviewed, especially inside a studio while they were trying to work. And anyone, especially in this day and age, knows how annoying it can be when people shove cameras in your face. Any snobbish behavior, to me, comes off as wanting to be done with the whole process.
                  "If I participate in this f**king effort, I hope I'm going to get my gold disc at the end of it. Imagine that!"


                    Well, to me it's a simple question of respect. You agree to do an interview, you respect the interviewer.
                    If you don't enjoy being interviewed, don't agree to do interviews. I work with musicians for a living and I see this behaviour a lot, and though I understand how you can be annoyed by being asked the same questions over again, and being distracted etc., that does not make it OK to be disrespectful.
                    There are a lot of musicians who will not do interviews while touring for exactly that reason. That to me is a professional attitude.


                      It speaks of a certain era that you agree to make a film about your band and then be weirdly stand off-ish and obtuse when interviewed for that film. Bands back then had the luxury of pissing on publicity and promotional opportunities.

                      Most of the band here reek of a certain brand of very English posh, male insecurity. David Gilmour can't seem to decide if he's the bit of cockney rough in the band or 'one of the chaps'. His accent flip-flops through the film. Nick comes across as a sixth form prefect tasked with maintaining a semblance of order. Rick seems haunted and withdrawn. Roger seems deeply insecure, hiding behind an assumed 'top dog' status. The chap in the sixth form common room or rugby changing room with the newest car or fastest bike. Constant low-level point scoring and self validation.

                      It is probably worth remembering that Pink Floyd were the least musically adept of the early '70s prog juggernauts by a wide margin. In their favour they had a big multimedia stage show and a certain musical economy and lyrical 'realness' that didn't place too much pure technicality ahead of the meaning and narrative of their songs.

                      In 1971 this method of working wasn't fully realised, so it seems like they had to rest on their plummy accents and withering out-downs instead, while trudging through a barely evolved setlist of their space rock that dazzled trippers at the UFO club. Of the Pompeii tracks, only Echoes foreshadows where the band were heading, musically. Oddly they ignore conventional songs such as Cymbaline or Green is the Colour in favour of tracks that had been on the setlists since 1968.

                      They clearly aren't comfortable talking about their music, their motifs or their motivations.


                        Originally posted by surfling View Post
                        Am I the only one who finds the interviews a really uncomfortable watch?

                        Both Roger and Dave come across as pretty arrogant and snobbish and the atmosphere in the dinner room does not exactly feel very relaxed.
                        Or the moment when Maben takes a quick shot of the roadie in the background - their reaction is not exactly heartwarming.

                        Nick and his sense of humour and Rick being his insecure and modest self can only balance it out a little.
                        I can see why they would not want this included in the Early Box set or an extended version of Live In Pompeii...

                        Still, it's fantastic to have this doc, especially as it's edited really well.
                        And it gives you an idea of how early the internal friction in the band had existed.
                        But I don't see myself watching it often...
                        Ah, I think it was just more an moody interview, after all they were drinking alcohol and took maybe even something else. Not that they couldn´t be arrogant.

