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New Animals Documentary

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    I really enjoyed the documentary. Some of the stuff, like the Scarfe animations and the football match, I had never seen before.

    I also agree with your opinion that it is David's guitars that give the album soul. He really knows how to squeeze every ounce of emotion out of a guitar!

    The combination of David's guitars, Nick's almost Metal drumming, Richard's sublime keyboards (the mid-section of Dogs, the intro of Pigs, just about everything on Sheep!) and Roger's lyrics and overall theme make this much more of a group effort than the song credits would ever suggest. The foreboding cover is just the icing on the cake of perfect angst!

    It is my favorite Pink Floyd album and my second favorite overall album (just behind Amused to Death).


      At the time of the Animals release, I really wasn't overly impressed. While the music was really great (think Gilmour and Wright), the lyrics were obsessive and morose... a trend that would not only continue, but get far worse with The Wall. I've never been a "music to slit your wrists to" kind of guy, so this just didn't sit well with me. But the passion and aptitude displayed musically on this album is incredible.

      For me, "picking sides" has absoutely nothing to do with "who is right or wrong", etc. It has everything to do with the music and the dark changes that were occurring. I love this band, and I love their music, but I don't always love the direction things went. It is extremely rare that I listen to any of Roger's output post-Animals, including The Wall. It's the musical spark that causes me to chase this band, and without Gilmour, and a functional Wright, this is nowhere to be found.
      Off surfing with Linda, of course...


      • blauwdruk
        blauwdruk commented
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        Hear, hear!

      I watched it last night, really entertaining and well produced.
      If an act of empathy is considered somehow as something radical, we're living in dangerous times.

      Pink Floyd tradelist // Oasis tradelist


      • DeepCreatures
        DeepCreatures commented
        Editing a comment
        Very much agree - really enjoyed it!

      Great work…


        This is a fascinating documentary. This is sad but fortunately there are the fans that no such video document was there on the official Blu-Ray (only a short Youtube snippet).
        I real enjoyed the way you are telling the story of the making of Animals (each song by song (I did not know that splitting into 2 parts Pigs On The Wings made Waters wins more money and increase is (c) % on the album; apparently according to the Extraction Tapes Roger was supposed to sing "Dogs"; well; he tried to do it).

        I really enjoy the intro with Margaret Tatcher combining with the infamous Pigs flying; for a few seconds I thought it was real. It's frightening!
        With Roger Waters recent tour where he "reactualizes" Animals, we could forget that beyond the "universal" concept of this album, it was also a political statement (like the Final Cut where Maggie is directly ), thus a testimony of England, in 1977. Whereas Dark Side or WYWH albums have no "clue", roots (so to speak) into the political context.

        And you are right, this was one of the best work by David Gilmour and sounded like a cohesive/collective work (Rick intro on the Fender Rhodes is superb).
        I was strike than someone remarked that since Dark Side we did not hear Rick singing anymore until.... "Wet Dream"; I didn't realize that! Even if I'm so attached with his voice I associate to Pink Floyd; Echoes.

        Finally the band was still experimental as you said; even in 1974; the first set was a part of experimental of work-in-progress new material in front of an audience; from show to show they even changed the parts of You Gotta Be Crazy (they attempted some vocals like the choir of Atom Heart Mother in one gig in 1974). What superband could dare to do this today ?

        is there a way you could share your stripped-down mix (private message maybe) you did for "Pigs 3DO"; it's awesome with the bass isolated ? (there's even Rick (?) piano enlighten)
        Did you use the 5.1 mix of Animals ? (ok the bass is from channel 3 of the 5.1 mix of Pigs 3DO, Rick's piano is channel 6 of Pigs 3DO (I will try an AI piano model to extract the piano), but your stripped-down mix with bass predominant is damned good!)

        and the psaum without the flanger/vocoder effect : is it really extract from the Animals mix or did you find it elsewhere (your wrote that you used a cover band version for one version of Dogs (there was the Extraction Tapes with some great double-tracked guitar solo; one of the two guitar is totally new)
        I would be really interested in having this psaum mix if you could please PM me.
        apparently this is from the album (wow!) - I think that's Roger's voice; could you confirm ? (I often read that it was Nick Mason or a roadie, but now I think it's Roger) ​The 'Sheeps Prayer' is from the original album run through a vocal isolation software. fucking incredible - I've never heard it so clear before - Me too!
        This sounds like an Alice Cooper records- frightening.

        I thought that the psaum was filtered so that there was not another John Lennon/Jesus controversy and there was the curse of the White Album (where there are also... Piggies)

        About Snowy, I did not know that Gilmour put on tape a guitar solo for Pigs On The Wings which was then erased (by mistake ;-) by Roger Waters. I thought that Snowy was coming to see the band for the upcoming tour; and he came at the wrong moment (the one where the great solo we would never heard from Dogs (where Gilmour was making Dogs howling at the moon) was erased by mistake. Snowy ask to jam to which he was answered (we hired you because you play guitar otherwise you won't be there) and instead, finally it was proposed to him to record that day the solo for Pigs On The Wings.
        Last edited by Rupert Pupkin; 08-23-2023, 04:01 AM.


          oh and you are totally right about the slow One Of These Days on Raving And Drooling. And I think that for Sheep, David Gilmour added the "Run Like Hell" motif which he will use again in his first solo album for one song, and later for "Run Like Hell".
          David Gilmour probably help to rebalance the litany part (which IMHO was probably inspired by John Lennon's "God"; in music it's difficult to put some litany that long without sounding monotonic) the "Who was told..." (the litany on "Eclipse" was shorter)

          I often wondered if the extended coda (which sounds like a different melody) at the end of Sheep which was played by Rick Wright during the ’77 tour (Oakland 1977 is a particular good version) was attempt to be recorded in studio and that they could be a studio version of this part; which I could consider as an outtake piece from Richard Wright.

          We may argue that for the concerts that have to start with Sheep because in a stadium no one could come with an acoustic guitar and open with Pigs On The Wings (except Bob Dylan perhaps ?) but this sounds to me to elaborate to have been done during the rears of the tour.

          Moreover, the fact the studio album had some changes (Dogs initially sung by Waters, the missing gap between the 2 Parts of Dogs or Raving And Drooling, the way Pigs On The Wings was splitter into 2 parts) makes me think that it could have been possible and could sound good to have an extended coda of « Sheep ». Even followed by the last part of Pigs On The Wings a slow part would have sounded nice.
          Last edited by Rupert Pupkin; 08-22-2023, 11:36 PM.


            Thoroughly enjoyed this. The archival footage is great and your exposition of the songs shed some new light on them. Thanks so much for doing this.


              Great work. Lots of effort was clearly put into it.

              I think you should credit the video sources.
              The Hamilton 1975 footage goes to Jim Kelly AKA "Speedy";
              The Landover 1975 footage was shot by Jeff Randolph (and the version you are using was done by the old group 'The Madcap Collective');
              The Montréal 1977 footage goes to Daniel Graham;
              The Cincinnati 1977 footage was shot by Charles Miller and was reuploaded by several channels, but ultimately, you're using the version provided by The Genesis Museum.

              I think it would have been cool to wait a little longer for a better version of Montréal 1977; the restoration by my group should be done within a couple of weeks (it was suppose to be done back in late July, but we are very busy people with our personal lives currently, and so work is slow.).

              That's just my two cents, the project is great nonetheless, I just believe that credit should be given where due. Thanks for sharing.
              Last edited by NuffM; 08-23-2023, 07:12 AM.
              - The Pink Floyd Research Group -


                Rupert Pumpkin (The King), I'm on holiday at the moment but I will post a link to the audio tracks I used later this week.
                To answer your questions: Yes, I used the 5.1 DVD. Well, I found a rip of it that opened up in Audacity as the 5 separtate tracks.
                The funky Pigs drum and bass I think I found on either Youtube or Dailymotion. I have it ripped anyway - the whole thing is amazing.

                The psalm is literally the original track ran through two different AI voice extraction softwares. It came out incredible. I have been waiting for decades to actually here this. and your correct, I would say that it IS Roger saying it.

                There is a part of Raving that I used that ended up being used for 'Don;t Leave Me Know' I didn't reference this in the video, but I did attempt to mix Don't Leave Me Now into it, but it sounded to phoney.

                NUFFM - With regards to credits, I get what you're saying but if I credited every single image or snippet of music there would be another 5 minutes of text at the end of the video. Who deserves a credit and who doesn't? There are single images in this video that last longer than most of the video in it's entirety. If anyone wants to re-edit or use parts of my video I would be flattered and honoured to see it elsewhere.

                Anyway, the video seems popular but since I uploaded it's been with with an 'adult content' warning from Youtube! This is either for the Scarfe drawings OR Waters swearing. The ghost of Mary Whitehouse still haunts us...​


                  Originally posted by raelnyc View Post
                  Anyway, the video seems popular but since I uploaded it's been with with an 'adult content' warning from Youtube! This is either for the Scarfe drawings OR Waters swearing. The ghost of Mary Whitehouse still haunts us...​
                  I noticed that last night...
                  Fortunately I had already downloaded, watched and enjoyed it! Thank you very much!
                  As for YT... I come from a vanished world and this one is frightening of stupidity ​🤢
                  Last edited by Elisto54; 08-23-2023, 03:23 PM.


                    Originally posted by raelnyc View Post
                    NUFFM - With regards to credits, I get what you're saying but if I credited every single image or snippet of music there would be another 5 minutes of text at the end of the video. Who deserves a credit and who doesn't? There are single images in this video that last longer than most of the video in it's entirety. If anyone wants to re-edit or use parts of my video I would be flattered and honoured to see it elsewhere.​
                    Could add them to the description...
                    - The Pink Floyd Research Group -


                      Originally posted by NuffM View Post

                      Could add them to the description...
                      other characters


                        Originally posted by raelnyc View Post
                        Rupert Pumpkin (The King), I'm on holiday at the moment but I will post a link to the audio tracks I used later this week.
                        To answer your questions: Yes, I used the 5.1 DVD. Well, I found a rip of it that opened up in Audacity as the 5 separtate tracks.
                        The funky Pigs drum and bass I think I found on either Youtube or Dailymotion. I have it ripped anyway - the whole thing is amazing.

                        The psalm is literally the original track ran through two different AI voice extraction softwares. It came out incredible. I have been waiting for decades to actually here this. and your correct, I would say that it IS Roger saying it.

                        There is a part of Raving that I used that ended up being used for 'Don;t Leave Me Know' I didn't reference this in the video, but I did attempt to mix Don't Leave Me Now into it, but it sounded to phoney.

                        NUFFM - With regards to credits, I get what you're saying but if I credited every single image or snippet of music there would be another 5 minutes of text at the end of the video. Who deserves a credit and who doesn't? There are single images in this video that last longer than most of the video in it's entirety. If anyone wants to re-edit or use parts of my video I would be flattered and honoured to see it elsewhere.

                        Anyway, the video seems popular but since I uploaded it's been with with an 'adult content' warning from Youtube! This is either for the Scarfe drawings OR Waters swearing. The ghost of Mary Whitehouse still haunts us...​
                        Thanks a lot for your answer; I also love the Pig fired in the sky (Deep Purple semi-quote ;-)
                        What does Tatcher hold in his hands ? a microphone ? looks more like a Geiger radioactive measure - making this footage even more scary...

                        I have been able to isolate David Gilmour's bass on "Pigs 3DO"; it's on channel 6 of the blu-ray 5.1 mix; not so hard to do; had to AMP the volume. The bass playing is amazing.
                        Still, the end could remind "I Was Made For Loving You" by Kiss.
                        Reminds me Paul McCartney's bass style on "I Want You (She's So Heavy)"
                        "Old Siam Sir" on Back To The Egg has a kind of similarities in terms of guitar and bass sound to Pigs 3DO.

                        I was not able to isolate the piano on Pigs 3DO because it is not on a particular channel; I have tried via an A.I piano model but that works not that well.
                        That's why I'm still highly interested in your mixes.

                        Even if the lyrics of the Psalm are in the booklet of Animals (even the rewritten part); the last part can't be heard because Roger is screaming at this very moment; thus, this isolation is totally insane. Sounds like the future into the present-dream "contact" in John Carpenter's Prince Of Darkness.

                        Animals is way more scary and frightening than the Wall : Scarfe's animation are even more graphic, violent, hopeless than in the "Grand Guignol" of the Wall.
                        The Wall is meant to be a story; whereas, here, Animals is "our" world. Especially now.
                        You could watch Tarkovsky visionary movie "Stalker" and rewatched it now after 1986.
                        That is what the dogs barking sounds to me during the Stone(d) part of Dogs - like the post-apocalypse sound which we already "in"... before "the day after".
                        And regarding the sound of this album : I have always loved so much this unique combination of acoustic texture (Dogs, the magnificent jazzy Fender Rhodes opening of Sheep) and David Gilmour's ragging guitars.

                        I can also spot some parts of "What Should We Do Now" during the middle part of Raving And Dooling (the crescendo slow bass+drums)

                        Now, how can I access to the video ? I don't have a youtube account
                        Last edited by Rupert Pupkin; 08-24-2023, 03:12 AM.


                          Originally posted by aybesea View Post
                          At the time of the Animals release, I really wasn't overly impressed. While the music was really great (think Gilmour and Wright), the lyrics were obsessive and morose... a trend that would not only continue, but get far worse with The Wall. I've never been a "music to slit your wrists to" kind of guy, so this just didn't sit well with me. But the passion and aptitude displayed musically on this album is incredible.

                          For me, "picking sides" has absoutely nothing to do with "who is right or wrong", etc. It has everything to do with the music and the dark changes that were occurring. I love this band, and I love their music, but I don't always love the direction things went. It is extremely rare that I listen to any of Roger's output post-Animals, including The Wall. It's the musical spark that causes me to chase this band, and without Gilmour, and a functional Wright, this is nowhere to be found.
                          Totally agree


                            I really enjoyed this. Animals has always been a bit of a mystery to me in many ways but the remaster and the way you pieced this story together takes some of the mystery out of it for me.

