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Roger Waters TINAD Concert Film

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    Completely off-topic and, by definition, trolling this thread.
    We were all on the same page



    • stonytokes
      stonytokes commented
      Editing a comment
      Nah. I'm not trolling the thread. YOU were trolling the thread. I was trolling though. Looks like I caught a baby bear with my bait. Which is what I was fishing for. Thanks for playing, and for falling for it hook, line, and sinker.
      Last edited by stonytokes; 08-06-2024, 02:58 PM.

    Originally posted by YASHA View Post
    A little off-topic: I would assign the title "annoying fly" to all trolls. And so that the list of these most "annoying flies" is constantly present on the homepage of our community.
    End off-topic.
    YASHA, you are invited to listen to the attached sample. Perhaps, you may then re-consider your wording.
    Attached Files




        I will never understand why some folks can't accept that differences of opinion exist.
        We were all on the same page



        • stonytokes
          stonytokes commented
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          Some people can. Others just wish to label people as they see fit when another's opinion is contrary to their own. Buzz, buzz. Swat me if you can, baby bear.

        I’d be curious to see a chart for thread-closure speedrun PRs


          Originally posted by YASHA View Post
          I will never understand why some folks can't accept that differences of opinion exist.
          Just as I can never understand why people feel the need for name-calling and labeling others the way you did in this thread. It's not just differing opinions.


            Funny how I deliberately requested at the bottom of my post for no pointless negativity or bickering, and yet almost this entire thread is exactly that. Why can't you just suck up your damn ego and talk about this band or its members? You're entitled to your own opinions, but as the old saying goes, an opinion is like an ass. Everyone has one. But that doesn't mean everybody wants to see it. If you have literally NOTHING to contribute to the topic at hand then please just don't reply at all. I think I speak for everybody else that we don't care what you think about any band members in here. And what the hell is this childish argument about trolling or not trolling? Just draw the line there and stop. Why is that so hard? God forbid I just want to begin a civil conversation. Ignore and move on.
            - The Pink Floyd Research Group -


     an effort to drag this thread back to topic, and as much as EYE was tempted to take Rog up on his offer to fuck off to the bar, I actually took the 2 1/4 hours to sit down and watch the Prague show and will review it now.

              In a word? Dreadful.

              My initial impression of the show was how dreary and depressing it seemed to be. I mean, I know Rog is trying to be edgy, but he's not pulling it off IMO. I think there was supposed to be some sort of underlying unifying theme to the show, but what it was, I couldn't tell you.

              The rearrangements of Floyd songs are depressing and boring as well. Even The Powers That Be was sapped of the driving force it has on KAOS and if you'll notice, Roger actually misses a vocal cue in the first verse although the band covers for him quite effectively.

              His new songs...what can I say? Just unmemorable. I almost turned the show off during If I Was God, not because it offended me on a moral level (I'm an atheist), but because it's just a dreadful song. You can tell that Roger had the words written and composed a song to go around it without regard for meter or musicality. It doesn't work.

              Something I noticed: even the musicians look bored. There's no fire. Even during the very few guitar solos, you don't really see any of the guitarists do that musical grimace that players get on their faces when they bend a note and shake it as Dave would say. Watch for yourself and see what I mean.

              And that's probably because the arrangements are so lame. I was psyched to see Two Suns In The Sunset live but they managed to sap the life out of even that. Every song sounds like a fucking funeral dirge. The audience response shows it as well, and Roger has to exhort the audience to make some noise. There's no tension, and no release to the setlist. It's just a plod through the songs on the setlist as far as I can tell.

              All the while the audience is bashed over the head with non-stop propaganda spewing on the screens.

              The dark mood is unrelenting. The encores are TSITS and Outside The Wall? That might work as an encore if you're tearing down a 40-foot wall before that song, but not here.

              High points? Well...

              Watching Roger bleat at the audience during Sheep was pretty amusing. That tickled my funny bone in ways that I just can't and won't describe here.

              I was so bored I spent most of the show just watching Joey Waronker to see if I could identify which Istanbul cymbals he was using. That was kind of cool, I guess.

              Make a movie out this? Dear God, no. Include a bottle of anti-depressants free with every copy if you do. I couldn't even get through the abomination of Rog's conception of The Wall LIVE tour so I can only imagine how much of a downer this footage would be with his egomaniacal, out-of-touch drivel interspersed.

              Just depressing and meh. I guess I'll fuck off to the bar now to have a drink to see if I can cheer myself up after that non-stop dirge fest.
              Last edited by stonytokes; 08-06-2024, 11:18 PM.
              And ultimately, who gives a fuck anyway?


              • Emdy
                Emdy commented
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                To all of your points, some I agree with, some I don’t, all I can say is that the experience was entirely different and so much more lively in person than it was through the live stream. In particular I got a little teary during “Outside the Wall”, watching the band depart the stage knowing it may well be the last time I ever see the man in person.

                A lot gets lost in translation any time a concert is recorded for whatever medium, and I had the advantage of sharing company with an excitable Vegas crowd. It was a genuinely enthralling show in person, even with the heavy handed messaging and at one point having to shame some idiot behind us through his wife to stop yelling over the music about politics, perhaps ironically.

              • stonytokes
                stonytokes commented
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                I understand for sure, Emdy. There's nothing like being there. But the footage that I just watched didn't look like it was very much fun to me. Or very moving. I've seen Rog four times now and two of those times were exceptionally enjoyable, moving experiences for me, those being the '87 and '99 tours. Recent incarnations not so much.

              • stonytokes
                stonytokes commented
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                Happy to oblige, y!me! Based on your assessment, I decided to check it out for myself. You were right BTW. There's two and a quarter hours I'll never get back.

              I'm gonna look to the other side and pretend I didn't read the bad things I read on this thread, so, I'm giving you another chance to keep on track.

              I was at the show in Buenos Aires, last November, and it was a bit boring. To me. To my 16 years old nephew was the best thing he saw in his life, but he has the same opinion of Coldplay.

              I don't think we should expect something of excellence at this stage so take it as it comes. Though to be honest, I really enjoyed the film from the previous tour, it was really well played.
              Last edited by gotta_be_crazy; 08-07-2024, 01:14 AM.
              If an act of empathy is considered somehow as something radical, we're living in dangerous times.

              Pink Floyd tradelist // Oasis tradelist


                Originally posted by gotta_be_crazy View Post
                I'm gonna look to the other side and pretend I didn't read the bad things I read on this thread, so, I'm giving you another chance to keep on track.

                I was at the show in Buenos Aires, last November, and it was a bit boring. To me. To my 16 years old nephew was the best thing he saw in his life, but he has the same opinion of Coldplay.

                I don't think we should expect something of excellence at this stage so take it as it comes. Though to be honest, I really enjoyed the film from the previous tour, it was really well played.
                I really dig the South American shows from last year, and if I could choose I think I would have picked one of those to attend rather than the one that I did in the states. The in the round stuff is cool I guess but I very strongly dislike how parts of the band are obscured and depending on where you sit and how close, you probably won't see Roger head-on more than like 3 times. I like the traditional stage set up better. Plus the later SA shows had the pink doll, Roger in the Numb coat, pyrotechnics again (which were omitted in the legs before) and so many other cool things I would have loved to see in person.

                That being said; I understand and respect your opinion. I'm glad your nephew loved it though!
                - The Pink Floyd Research Group -


                • thespitwasduringmoney
                  thespitwasduringmoney commented
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                  one thing i like about the South American gigs is that the band gives The Powers That Be a big energy boost from the 2022 gigs. Rog stopped using vocal tracks and you can hear his enthusiasm, Jon Wilson added some cool wah-wah guitar in the middle, and i don’t mind changing the ending lyrics to be “you better stand.. up to the man” bc with Run Like Hell in the setlist the phrase “you better run” gets old really fast.

                • NuffM
                  NuffM commented
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                  thespitwasduringmoney Roger never used vocal tracks for that song anywhere in the tour. 2022 was as live as SA 2023 was. It's just that after the shows in the states he became more enthusiastic and aggressive.

                • thespitwasduringmoney
                  thespitwasduringmoney commented
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                  NuffM maybe for some of them but i was at the boston show in 2022 and i visibly saw roger miss his cue on a “yeah, run…” where he didn’t quite make it back to the mic in time, i even looked up audience videos to check a while later and sure enough there it was

                Originally posted by NuffM View Post

                I really dig the South American shows from last year, and if I could choose I think I would have picked one of those to attend rather than the one that I did in the states. The in the round stuff is cool I guess but I very strongly dislike how parts of the band are obscured and depending on where you sit and how close, you probably won't see Roger head-on more than like 3 times. I like the traditional stage set up better. Plus the later SA shows had the pink doll, Roger in the Numb coat, pyrotechnics again (which were omitted in the legs before) and so many other cool things I would have loved to see in person.

                That being said; I understand and respect your opinion. I'm glad your nephew loved it though!
                He absolutely loved it, he is at the right age, discovering music (he plays guitar and he is very talented). So for him I suppose, at his age and the knowledge or background he understands from Pink Floyd, maybe to his eyes was closer to watching Pink Floyd live than to mine's if you know what I mean. For me it was 'meh', but that doesn't mean I don't respect Roger. I was there because I respect his story and some of his views on politics or on the powers that be. But I also have my own view which not always concurs with his.

                Now I must say, also, I liked it more the other stage, nothe one from the stadiums shows, the one from the Arena tours, I think it's what you referr as 'in the round'?
                If an act of empathy is considered somehow as something radical, we're living in dangerous times.

                Pink Floyd tradelist // Oasis tradelist


                  I saw Roger at the Nationwide Arena in Columbus, Ohio with a friend. We both loved it. Although if I could have gone to the shows in SA I totally would have, but many miles are in between Ohio and even the closest country that would have been, which is Costa Rica.
                  Picture a courthouse with no fucking laws!
                  Picture a cathouse with no fucking whores!
                  Picture a shithouse with no fucking drains!
                  Picture a leader with no fucking brains!

