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Under The Rubble

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    personally, after the copious amounts of low speak singing Roger's been doing in his music as of the past four years and especially on DSOTM Redux, i was struck at how he actually sounded like he cared in the original UTR demo (even if he kept peaking the mic levels), but this piano solo version makes the rhythm much more apparent and we get to hear the vocals cleaner. I quite like it, the lyrics are very simple for Rog but he sings them with so much conviction and horror. regardless of whatever election he ties it to it's still a damn good piece of music


      you know,I do not agree with much of what Roger believes but mocking him singing a pro Palestine song about people bombed under rubble mostly children an women shows the low lifes out of their holes,
      You go Rog...Someone needs to stand up


        Originally posted by Alan Smithee View Post
        you know,I do not agree with much of what Roger believes but mocking him singing a pro Palestine song about people bombed under rubble mostly children an women shows the low lifes out of their holes,
        You go Rog...Someone needs to stand up
        Please stay on topic, we don't need yet another topic going down this path.
        What's great about America is that everybody has an opinion.... But what's also great, you don't have to listen to 'em. - Dennis Green

        PF - April 18, 1988, Denver
        PF - June 22, 1994, Minneapolis
        Rog - July 16, 2017, Atlanta (Taped)
        Rog - Aug 20, 2022, Atlanta (Taped)
        Nick - March 29, 2019, Atlanta (Taped)


        • Floydophile
          Floydophile commented
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          No, but here another album title may come to mind: "The Final Flush" ... ;-)

        • NuffM
          NuffM commented
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          Floydophile stop means stop.

        • Floydophile
          Floydophile commented
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          Apologies to those who feel offended by my sense of humor. Please, skip it next time.

        Man. You know...I really love the majority of Roger's work, but the last couple of decades have been pretty rough for him as far as original output goes in my opinion. To me it seems like the more specific and focused his rage has become over the years the less I'm interested in listening. I think Rog's music works best when he explores grand themes that relate to the human condition and experience.

        I guess what I wish most about Rog's music these days is that I wish I could still relate to it. But these days he seems like just another out-of-touch rockstar preaching at me from his perch upon a giant pile of money. Most of all, I wish he'd focus less on trying to save the world, and more on trying to write a couple more decent songs before he shuffles off the mortal coil. Is This The Album We Really Wanted was dreadful. 25 years for that? What a huge disappointment. I had expected the new album to be absolutely epic after hearing songs like Each Small Candle and Leaving Beirut, and then we got that heap of steaming excrement.

        I guess I'll listen to a new album if he puts one out. Hopefully it will be better than the last. There's nowhere to go but up.
        Last edited by stonytokes; 07-23-2024, 03:20 AM.
        And ultimately, who gives a fuck anyway?


          Originally posted by stonytokes View Post
          I had expected the new album to be absolutely epic after hearing songs like Each Small Candle and Leaving Beirut, and then we got that heap of steaming excrement.
          I’m curious to know what you preferred about Leaving Beirut over ITTLWRW, that song seemed like a total nothingburger that overstayed it’s welcome three minutes in to me. Very preachy and save-the-worldy with not much going on musically.


            Originally posted by Emdy View Post

            I’m curious to know what you preferred about Leaving Beirut over ITTLWRW, that song seemed like a total nothingburger that overstayed it’s welcome three minutes in to me. Very preachy and save-the-worldy with not much going on musically.
            Well, opinions are subjective, but since you asked...

            Okay, I'll concede that Leaving Beirut is pretty preachy, but the way Roger told the story of the experience he had as a young man travelling made the song both personal and relatable in my opinion. And it had a pretty smoking guitar solo as I recall. Didn't the live version have Snowy playing the solo?

            Is This The Album We Really Wanted? was a huge disappointment on a number of levels for me. I expected that after 25 years Rog might have some quality material squirrelled away, but all we got was an album that had a couple of songs that tried to sound like 70s Floyd (yet failed miserably) sandwiched into a bunch of unmemorable acoustic drivel. I mean, if I have one major complaint about the album, it's that it's so dull and unmemorable. It sounds like a bunch of hipster douche bags tried to make their own version of a Pink Floyd album and cared so little about Roger's involvement that they mixed his vocals so low he was inaudible for all intents and purposes. I was hoping that live renditions of the songs would possibly bring them to life, but I found the Us & Them tour pretty uninspiring as well. Boring even, which was a first for me at a Waters show.

            Who knows? Maybe it's me and I've become jaded. But Rog seems to me to have joined the club of out-of-touch, aging rock royalty who've crawled so far up their own asses that they can't see out. And since he's not really exploring themes that I consider to be relatable any longer I'm just not really interested anymore, I guess.

            Roger himself said it best. If you go to a concert and it doesn't move you, you don't come back. He just doesn't move me any longer. Which just kills me because I still love his other solo work that continues to move me even to this day.
            And ultimately, who gives a fuck anyway?


            • stonytokes
              stonytokes commented
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              Yeah. Sort of ironic given that's what he accused the rest of the Floyd of back in the day. Can't say that I disagree much with his assessment back then considering the PFINO albums that followed.

              Take the keys from Rog? Hey, he's a legend, and I'll give just about any studio recording OF NEW MATERIAL a shot. But he hasn't done anything I've liked in quite a while, so expectations are now very low.

            Originally posted by stonytokes View Post
            It sounds like a bunch of hipster douche bags tried to make their own version of a Pink Floyd album and cared so little about Roger's involvement that they mixed his vocals so low he was inaudible for all intents and purposes.
            This was my issue with the album as well. While there are some interesting ideas and some great (for me) moments in there, Godrich and Wilson absolutely fucked up the production. Too much nostalgia porn and what I can only assume is a desire to make something sound good coming out of a phone speaker.

            I’d be very interested to hear the versions of the songs recorded back in 2002(?), but I’m afraid that material won’t see the light of day unless we get some sort of postmortem content dump from the estate. While I’m excited to hear the new album, which I’m skeptical of him even finishing given his track record of talking about new albums, I have a feeling it’s going to sound a lot like the last one, if not more sparse given what we have already heard.

            That said, I’d listen to a newly discovered fart buried in the mix of Grand Viziers if it came to light, so obviously I’m on the boat of taking what I can get. At the end of the day you can only be so critical of whatever music anybody puts out before you start to sound ridiculous yourself.


              Wow, I thought ITTLWRW was pretty good. I wished there was more guitar, but I really like the drums and the overall album vibe. The last three tracks are a bit monotonous and repitive. Yes, Smell the Roses and Picture That sound like they were lifted from WYWH, but I still like those songs.

              Bird in a Gale has, to my ears, a fresh production sound that I wouldn't have expected from a Roger album.

              The albums lyrics had the kind of Roger bits we know and love. I much prefer his take on current events to his self indulgent nonsense on Pros and Cons, or the silly talking computer and alien anthropologist concepts done earlier.

              I’m looking forward to his next album.

