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Under The Rubble

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    Under The Rubble

    Roger recently told Reuters that he is currently working on a new album. Should we call it 'The Final Cat' (working title) until more details emerge?

    Last edited by Floydophile; 07-06-2024, 08:12 PM.


    • stonytokes
      stonytokes commented
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      Likewise. That gave me a hell of a chuckle.

    We are in an interesting period right now, as various legacy classic rock acts are trying different methods of tarnishing that very legacy. Some drop the tempo, drop the key signature and ground out their classics at walking pace (hello Bob Weir's latest Grateful Dead retread). Some have virtually no original members left, and sound increasingly like an unmotivated cover band (hello Yes!)

    Roger never had that much musicality or technique to give us and then ruin irreparably. Nor did he ever have much of a singing voice beyond a quavering, pitchy below that was all unsupported head voice, so he can't really lose that either. His approach to legacy seppuku instead seems to hinge on securing complete pariah status; baffling old fans and alienating new ones. Gen Z-ers will see Pink Floyd t-shirts in Walmart, Hot Topic and the like, jump on Google and swiftly find this mad old bastard raving away.




        It would appear that we have the collective memory of a goldfish when it comes to what a Roger Waters demo/sketch sounds like before it’s fully fleshed out.

        As with The Bar, I’m interested to see how this one develops. To my ear there needs to be some heavy accompaniment and arrangement work to get it off the ground, even if it’s only intended to be a short interlude. Whoever produces on this new album needs to bring some structure to his ideas, as Roger’s focus for this project seems to be geared toward groaning about misery and bumbling around on the piano.

        It’s an interesting choice to be teasing this one as much as he has been if there is enough material to get an album going. Then again, I’m not particularly enthused by the finished work David has put out in support of his new album either, but frankly I’m just happy to be getting anything new from these guys.


          Not gonna lie.

          Complaints and criticism are valid, of course. But why can't people just accept that artist's from back in the day are nowhere near the same as they were 50 years ago? Why can't you accept that they've moved on to a different sound or style? Why can't you just go "ok, not my thing. I'll go listen to something I DO like instead"?

          I can see the pedantry coming because of my second question, so I'll clarify before someone points it out. Yeah Roger has always used the same 5 acoustic chords since The Wall, yeah he has always written about politics, yeah he has always mimed since 1980, but my point is that he isn't the same as he was when he did Dark Side. If you don't like something, I just can't understand why people waste so much of their limited time every week to just put themselves through misery by listening to or writing about stuff that they don't like.

          Different strokes for different folks. I hate country. But that shouldn't affect you nor myself. I just Iisten to something else and move on.

          So much unnecessary hate on here. No wonder every Roger based thread closes within mere hours or days.

          P.S., no. I do not agree with his political views nor do I enjoy most of his music either. I'm just saying this from a neutral standpoint, coming from somebody that has seen absolutely unreal mental health improvements since they stopped being a toxic little shit that fed off of negativity years ago. Some of y'all should try it. It's fantastic.
          - The Pink Floyd Research Group -​


            Originally posted by Emdy View Post
            As with The Bar, I’m interested to see how this one develops.
            Me too. I consider the tour versions of the Bar, and this new one with just the piano, to be demos that will eventually get filled out in the studio. I mostly enjoyed the ITTLWRW album and look forward to his next one.


            • Emdy
              Emdy commented
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              Yeah, look at how Deja Vu developed from a simple acoustic bit to being one of the best songs on the album. Getting to see a song develop over time is one of the things that drew me to Pink Floyd in the first place.

            a new post to rant about this person and against his political thinking, which should be a freedom... but the freedom ends when the persecuted old man indicates that they are personal comments and insults when it comes to a different position (I don't mean to roger). The issue is then "closed", leaving only the shit exposed without the possibility of exposing a different position. I think that if they are going to "close" topics, they should also delete the posts and not expose that dump of intolerance and rancid thinking. I hope they don't do the same thing as pinkfloydz who blocked me with the argument of "having insulted them" when I never referred to anyone in a terrible or worse way than those explained before.


            • Alanko
              Alanko commented
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              I'm sure this was meant to be profound.

            • Frankymole
              Frankymole commented
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              Can we make this a haven away from all the political crap?

            • stonytokes
              stonytokes commented
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              Yes. Deleting posts with which you don't agree would be the absolute apex of tolerance, now wouldn't it?

            I don't think it's that bad; I almost had the feeling that Roger listening to Bohemian Rhapsody before waking up with this melody, because there is a little something in the piano melody. That's a compliment.


              Originally posted by Rupert Pupkin View Post
              I don't think it's that bad; I almost had the feeling that Roger listening to Bohemian Rhapsody before waking up with this melody, because there is a little something in the piano melody. That's a compliment.
              I am with you, despite my little joking above and I hope that this (Bohemian) 'Cat' will grow further. Solely from the musical perspective, this piece looks even more interesting to me than 'The Bar'.
              Last edited by Floydophile; 07-07-2024, 07:02 AM.


                Originally posted by Emdy View Post
                It would appear that we have the collective memory of a goldfish when it comes to what a Roger Waters demo/sketch sounds like before it’s fully fleshed out.
                Why listen to Roger Waters demos when there is actual beautiful, pleasant music to listen to?


                  Originally posted by Alanko View Post
                  Why listen to Roger Waters demos when there is actual beautiful, pleasant music to listen to?
                  While I'm not a Roger solo fan[*] and I haven't bothered listening to this, one answer to "why listen" is that if you are interested in the process of music making, then even though finished works are almost always a better listen, there is a fascination to be had in the journey. Obvs not everyone is interested in that process, or needs to be, but why knock those who are interested?

                  * Actually, to be honest, not even a Floyd past 1977 fan.


                    Originally posted by NuffM View Post
                    Not gonna lie.

                    Complaints and criticism are valid, of course. But why can't people just accept that artist's from back in the day are nowhere near the same as they were 50 years ago? Why can't you accept that they've moved on to a different sound or style? Why can't you just go "ok, not my thing. I'll go listen to something I DO like instead"?

                    I can see the pedantry coming because of my second question, so I'll clarify before someone points it out. Yeah Roger has always used the same 5 acoustic chords since The Wall, yeah he has always written about politics, yeah he has always mimed since 1980, but my point is that he isn't the same as he was when he did Dark Side. If you don't like something, I just can't understand why people waste so much of their limited time every week to just put themselves through misery by listening to or writing about stuff that they don't like.

                    Different strokes for different folks. I hate country. But that shouldn't affect you nor myself. I just Iisten to something else and move on.

                    So much unnecessary hate on here. No wonder every Roger based thread closes within mere hours or days.

                    P.S., no. I do not agree with his political views nor do I enjoy most of his music either. I'm just saying this from a neutral standpoint, coming from somebody that has seen absolutely unreal mental health improvements since they stopped being a toxic little shit that fed off of negativity years ago. Some of y'all should try it. It's fantastic.
                    Excellent post. Valid for so many other music forums as well. Thank you.



                      Another take, a couple of months old, can be found here
                      Last edited by Floydophile; 07-07-2024, 07:23 PM.


                        I think what we have heard of "The Rubble" so far is very good - it is an extremely emotional piece of musical art, an attempt to write a song from the perspective of a child lying under the rubble, and it almost moved me to tears. This is Roger at his best. His talent is at delievering emotion through his voice, a talent with which few can compete with him. Despite his voice being aged, it still delievers tons of emotion like it always did, to an extent few other singers can match. The fact that it does not sound exactly like 70s Pink Floyd is not something I am going to complain about and I don't understand why anyone would do so. Pink Floyd's sound was always constantly involving and they were all about trying out new things; I am glad that Roger stays true to this, and I hope that the production will not go out of their minds to make it sound like Dark Side-era Pink Floyd, like what Godrich very clumsily tried to do on his last album.

                        I am looking forward to hearing the whole song when it is finished, and I hope that this time, Roger will actually release the album relatively soon, and not wait for years like he did last time.

                        The hating on Roger from certain people here was expected. It appears in every thread that is somehow related to Roger, and I don't think they would have refrained from the hating no matter what Roger actually did. I am more surprised that certain people are allowed to continue with these troll posts over and over again without any warnings or sanctions.

                        I am looking forward for Roger's next album, hope it doesn't take too long before it's finished and released, and I think what he have heard so far appears promising. I really hope somebody other than Nigel Godrich will produce this album though, as I am not overly fond of his production on Is This the Life We Really Want.

                        i am also looking forward to hearing how the title track is going to change. I found the initial version of Deja Vu that he performed in 2014 to be a bit meh to be honest, but by the time it appeared on ITTLWRW it had become a very good song, and I think the version he performed on his last tour was even better. So I assume that The Bar is also going to evolve and I hope the finished product will be an improvement.

                        Roger has never released a poor album, and I don't think he is going to do that this time either. Considering how much time he has spent recording in recent years, as well as the fact that he's teasing parts of songs on social media and even performed a lengthy unreleased piece on a world tour, I would assume that he has come quite some way on the work on the album already, and that we won't necessarily have to wait so long for the new album to reach the stores this time. This will be very exciting. A new album will be a lot more interesting than his recent rework of old material that honestly doesn't really interest me so much and I am very glad he's still working on new material and expect it to be good.

