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Definitive SBD/OAM/IEM Boot List

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    could you please reseed it there ? so your best source was the 1st gen, that's it ?


      could you please reseed it there ?


        Maybe I'm wrong but I tend to think the claim of a Lyon 1968 soundboard is simply an error, made by someone mixing up 1971 with 1968 for whatever reason. The book Pink Floyd en France says nothing to indicate that a radio or TV station would have been recording. Nor does The Complete Pink Floyd have anything, though it's interesting that we know the full setlist (or at least Serge Dumonteil's recollections/notes about it).

        Meanwhile the original list is missing a bunch of European dates, one of which is Lyon 1971. (Others include Essen 1969, the radio source of Amougies 1969 with STC only, Paris 1970-01-23 as noted, Bath 1970 which uses a direct audio feed on the video [not to mention the fragment of AHM we have recorded from the stage], Kralingen 1970, Montreux 1971, St. Ouen 1972, the mysterious broadcast source of Brussels 1972, etc...)

        The band-sanctioned recording of San Diego 1975 is also missing, plus the attached Echoes which has never been identified but may be Tucson or Denver (since the performance matches no circulating audience tapes, and band-sanctioned recordings of those dates apparently exist).

        There are also a rash of tapes that may have been recorded with the band's permission, and/or for radio broadcast, but are difficult to differentiate from an audience tape because they don't seem to use a soundboard feed. Chesterfield 1969 is an example of a recording done with permission but without broadcast intention, while we can only guess about the details of the broadcast tapes of Tokyo 1972 R2 and Brussels 1972 R2.

        Multiple US shows from 1970-1972 were taped, sometimes with permission, with the (alleged or real) intent of broadcasting them over college radio; I know of one taped from the audience in secret, another openly, from right next to the mixing desk. The latter starts to blur the line between AUD and OEM for sure.

        BTW my opinion: Fillmore West 1970 is utterly, quintessentially SBD for the first part, then some kind of stage mic setup from STC on. Absolutely no idea why (malfunction?) or how the source switch happened, but that's what I hear and have always heard, having made multiple soundboard-feed recordings of my own that sound exceedingly similar. No mic shoved into a speaker stack will sound quite like that. Unfortunately since some portion of the Bill Graham tape archives burned in the 1980s, we may never know the details.

        And last I recall, Berlin 1977 seemed to be a monitor mix (or two mono monitor mixes, one in each channel), while Vienna 1977 is OEM. They've been repeatedly confirmed as band-sanctioned recordings based on their provenance -- though I think when they listened back to Berlin, they probably realized, "Well, that's not a good way to document it..."
        Last edited by goldenband; 07-07-2024, 01:14 AM.


          Originally posted by Rupert Pupkin View Post
          By the way, regarding the Lyon 1971 show, has this recording been torrented at Y! and if yes, could it be seeded here ?
          [ FM ] Europe 1 Radio Studios, France – 1st Gen (Neonknight) (Cass(1) > WAV(24-bit/48kHz) > FLAC)

          So far, the best source I had is this one. I don't know that a first gen of the FM broadcast was shared :
          Pink Floyd 1971-06-12 Lyon AM radio recording, neonknight low gen tape [24-96]
          I'm highly interested by this transfer which I have listened - really an upgrade; if this could be reseed that would be awesome.

          but there is no FM broadcast ? this is an AM (aka medium wave in French radio not FM)
          I found "[ FM ] Europe 1 Radio Studios, France – 1st Gen (Neonknight) (Cass(1) > WAV(24-bit/48kHz) > FLAC)" in the ravinganddrooling database (searching Lyon 1971)
          I think that the tag "FM" is for radio broadcast; unless there has been really an FM broadcast more recently ? (in the 90's like the partial FM broadcast of Paris Théâtre des Champs-Elysées 1970)
          could you please check if there is an FM broadcast for Lyon 1971 or "just" an AM radio broadcast.
          Last edited by Rupert Pupkin; 07-07-2024, 05:24 AM.


            For a general run-down of what's available, and could be made available, in terms of radio recordings from 1967-1971 see the BBC Radio book.

            I'm not one to re-seed, someone else is welcome to, and prefer to always post fresh material. When I shared a raw transfer of my AM single-channel cassette back in 2017, I invited a Y member to step forward and re-master it, and would like to suggest the same again. It probably needs Capstan for Atom Heart Mother and iZotope for the hum and AM interference. If anybody reading this would like the task, please post in the thread and involve me 🙂

            Here's a new transfer I did today. I'm pleased with it. I used different equipment (player, cable and recorder) and the sound is smoother than my last post, thanks mainly to Vince666's MH head. The WeTransfer link will expire on 14 July 2024.


            Rupert Pupkin, AM is all there is currently. There was a supposed excerpt of STC in the 1 May 1982 Tout Peut Arriver, Europe 1 Radio Studios broadcast that featured some of 23 January 1970, but folks on Y concluded that it was from Ummagumma.
            Last edited by neonknight; 07-07-2024, 12:03 PM.


              thank you so much; regarding the 1982 Europe 1 broadcast, isn't it this show with David (and there is a woman who just fell in love with him in direct live) and Nick Mason. They say they are playing some weird excerpts from the Floyd and that's the "table" sequence during the show. I suppose that it is from the Ummagumma set at the Paris Theatre des Champs Elysees.


                The concert on December 1st 1972 at Centre Sportif ile des Vannes, Saint Ouen, France was broadcast over the radio by RTL, and is a low quality soundboard recording to my ears.

