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Floydpodcast ordered shut down

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    Floydpodcast ordered shut down

    Saw this on FB. Wondered if we are next.
    One blow after another… It’s with a very heavy heart and much sadness to report that I’ve been “asked” to cease and desist this podcast by the powers that be, Sony Music Entertainment under the direction of Pink Floyd Management.

    I’m quite taken back by this order to stop because I have a BMI license but apparently (I’m told by Sony’s legal team) that does not cover “exploitation of sound recordings – bootlegs or otherwise.”. So thats that. I’m still trying to get clarification if my license covers the use official recordings and if I could continue in that manner. I’m looking into it but as of right now, it’s game over.

    At the moment I’m devastated, confused, sad and upset. I was one of the first music podcasts to exist when I started this endeavor 18 years ago. I had no idea what would become of it and 317 podcasts later it turned into a massively successful podcast. It was a true labor of love but it became much more than that. I’ve made many friends and met fans around the world, been to some amazing cities and concerts and had great times. My fans, Pink Floyd fans, you mean the world to me and I can’t thank you enough for your time, support and kind words over the years. I love you all!

    Yes, this is really sad and shows how stupidly they act. This creates buyers for their messy official releases, nothing else. Stubborn.

    FINGAL‘S CAVE: A Podcast for all dedicated Pink Floyd Fans

    Available here:
    Apple Podcast
    Amazon Music


      Will forever despise the management. They have failed so many times this year and in general in the last few years with shitty releases and treating the fanbase like we're stupid. Pretty sure the kid who runs their social pages is younger than 30 and is probably an intern or the son of somebody in the mgmt, because all of those Instagram and YT community posts are just nothing but jokes.
      - The Pink Floyd Research Group -


        Maybe I am naive here but how can a record company stop someone to podcast while there is a license and the royalties are paid/accounted for?


          As someone who, this year, has posted copyrighted music to Youtube (and gotten away with it - for now) it amazes me (1) The sheer volume of similar material on that platform and (2) why on earth a multi-million dollar company are going after someone like yourself? One of the very people who made the band (and management) millionaires in the first place.
          Personally, I'd just carry on until they knock at your door, and then just don't answer it.


            This is the reason why avoid all music in our podcast. Even the snippet from the outro (Plumpton live 1969) got scanned and we got the message about licensing issues…

            FINGAL‘S CAVE: A Podcast for all dedicated Pink Floyd Fans

            Available here:
            Apple Podcast
            Amazon Music


              Originally posted by surfling View Post
              Maybe I am naive here but how can a record company stop someone to podcast while there is a license and the royalties are paid/accounted for?
              The C&D was directed by PF mgmt
              - The Pink Floyd Research Group -


                Very sad and unnecessary. Opinions will differ as to how the band's fans feel they are treated, but I have long felt that the band shows no appreciation or consideration for their fans. For at least the past 10-15 years I have purchased official material accordingly (meaning refusal to buy)...


                  Last I saw he had obtained a BMI performance license and was seeking to distribute the podcast on streaming services (ie spotify) - which I'm sure in the eyes of anyone counting dollars is putting it in direct competition with the band's official output.

                  Thing is, a BMI license doesn't cover that sort of thing - those licenses only cover a "broadcast" or "performance" (aka non-interactive streaming, like a radio broadcast where the listener has no direct control over what is playing). Separate licenses and permissions need to be obtained to host a podcast that is available for download or "interactive" streaming (like, on-demand streaming, streaming with pause and seek controls, ability to replay at any time etc)
                  If this were legal, there'd be nothing stopping anyone and their grandmother from getting a BMI/ASCAP etc license, putting together a podcast filled with commercial music and sponsored advertising and raking in income. It's a bit like having a driver's license. Sure, you are allowed to drive a car, but that doesn't give you permission to take your neighbor's car out for a joyride.
                  Not that that's what was happening here, but execs see this stuff like a slippery slope and don't want to let just anyone do it for fear of someone else following suit and being more egregious about it.

                  I'm not saying that this doesn't suck (it does!) and that PF MGMT / Sony isn't being a dick. I'm not saying that the above is *right*, either, just that this is how it is.

                  I do think the good Doctor might have flown too close to the sun here.
                  Goes to show that this stuff is better kept under the radar.​


                    Thanks a lot for the explanation!
                    FINGAL‘S CAVE: A Podcast for all dedicated Pink Floyd Fans

                    Available here:
                    Apple Podcast
                    Amazon Music


                      You know, Pink Floyd's music is easy for me to love. But all of the surrounding drama and issues sometimes make it a real chore to keep liking these guys.
                      Last edited by aybesea; 07-25-2023, 07:58 PM.
                      Off surfing with Linda, of course...


                      • sb33334
                        sb33334 commented
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                        I agree. I often insulate myself from private life or non-art related info of artists I like (actors, bands, etc...) so it has no bearing on my art appreciation. But insulating is not very easy with these guys.

                      • NuffM
                        NuffM commented
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                        When I sometimes say "I hate Pink Floyd", I mean it haha

                      ATTENTION PLEASE!
                      I want to update everyone on what's been going on with my podcast and everything.

                      I cannot express enough the amount of gratitude I'm feeling for the overwhelming support given to the podcast and seeing how much it means to so many! Thats, said, it's getting a little out of control and I'm concerned it could hurt me more than help.

                      I've also seen some not so nice comments pointed at Pink Floyd Mgmt and Sony for simply doing their jobs and protecting their and their clients' best interests. It's a business. I want them to trust me and I want to do the right thing.

                      I want to make it VERY clear that both parties are very aware of what's going on social media outlets. In light of this, the people at Pink Floyd Mgmt have reached out to me. I want to stress we are in early stages of communicating and there is no guarantee what will happen concerning the podcast but they are open to discussion. So is Sony!

                      In hopes of a potentially positive outcome, I ASK YOU ALL TO PLEASE STAND DOWN!

                      Matt "Doc"


                      • Llama
                        Llama commented
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                        Best of luck!!

                      Hope that good news will come and the podcast will stay alive for ever and ever ! (Yeah, maybe not for ever, but for a long time ! )
                      Fingers crossed


                        The Early Years set is pretty nauseating, as a hardcore fan. I think the fact that they ignored a lot of interesting vault material from the Syd era but claimed the vaults have been emptied (which most people foolishly believe) and the fact that they used poor source material and did uncharacteristically bad remastering work despite hiring "archivists" - while simultaneously deleting any superior source material available and even threatening people who offered up material for the sets - fully reveals how little they care. The BBC sessions are a prime example but there is so much more. Nothing surprises me anymore.


                        • NuffM
                          NuffM commented
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                          I mean...ok. But, why this thread?

                        • Gern Blansten
                          Gern Blansten commented
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                          Because we're discussing their management being jerks and fan-unfriendly?

                        The Floyd Podcast lives. I communicate with The Doctor on Instagram. He told me October 25th will be the return to glory. That is all the info I know.

                        Roger Waters March 23/1985 Toronto Maple Leaf Gardens
                        Pink Floyd Sept. 22/1987 Toronto CNE
                        Pink Floyd July 5/1994 Toronto CNE
                        Roger Waters Oct. 3rd and 13th/2017 Toronto Air Canada Center
                        Roger Waters July 8th & 9th/2022 Toronto Scotiabank Arena
                        Nick Mason's SOS Oct. 8th/2022 Toronto Massey Hall

