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SUNDAY SHOWDOWN: What Do You Want From Me? vs Smell The Roses...which artist(s) ripped themselves off the best?

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    Shots fired!
    ... at a couple pretty big targets.

    I remember all these "after the fact" albums not having any of the weird amazing surprises and odd bids of edgy music that classic Floyd albums delivered. I've tried to go back and listen a few times over the years. Thinking I was probably just being hipster with 'only the old stuff is any good' at the time. And then I reach for the skip ahead button pretty quickly and the experiment doesn't last very long!

    Momentary Lapse = the sound of cocaine
    Division Bell = sort of a Pink Floyd facsimile
    Is This The Life We Really Want = the sound of phoning it in and laziness

    I don't really listen to lyrics. Older Floyd lyrics just sound cool or something. The newer stuff doesn't do anything either direction for me. Except it sounds like the 'formula' where people make songs that are some lyric and vocal with music as secondary background. I just don't find that very interesting like weird old Floyd.

    Anyway, yeah those are targets for calling out recycled bits! Speaking of later career recycling, any Hawkwind fans here?


    • MrFender
      MrFender commented
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      Not a huge fan but Master of the Universe is just guitar riff madness!

    • stonytokes
      stonytokes commented
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      I'd tend to agree with your assessment of those albums. Do you have any opinion on the rest of Roger's solo work (P&C, KAOS, ATD) if you've listened to it?

    • YASHA
      YASHA commented
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      I am a fan of Hawkwind and I like this band for its variety of styles✌️

    No contest... What Do You Want
    Off surfing with Linda, of course...


      #18 sure has been a spirited discussion so far this week, R&D! Hopefully I won't offend anyone by doing so, but I'm going to vote for Smell The Roses. I love both songs, and consider WDYWFM to be a pretty decent forgery, but in my SUBJECTIVE opinion, I can't help but FEEL that Smell The Roses, even as an obvious pastiche of Floyd tropes, succeeds wildly at doing so, and blows WDYWFM out of the water with regards to how effectively it mines that classic 70s Floyd sound. So much so that...if I may be just the tiniest bit unkind to suggest...Rog on his own decades later sounds more Floydian in that one song that anything else the other three cobbled together after he left.
      And ultimately, who gives a fuck anyway?

