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RW vs DG - cant we all just get along?

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    RW vs DG - cant we all just get along?

    Folks I have to say I am disheartened by too many post on here that seem to have to be closed due to the RW/DG dispute.

    In the world at large, especially here in the USA (although I am originally from England), everything seems to so be so divisive

    If we, as a group, can't unite as a whole about the band we all love so much and put aside these differences to have open and honest discussions about them, what hope do we have?


    There are more than 1800 members in this forum. Really active members are less than that, but still they're a good amount. And out of those only a small handful engage in the DG-RW dispute. And sometimes is just one or two persons who make all the noise and fuss. I'd say the numbers are really on the peaceful and hopeful side around here.
    Last edited by ruben77; 10-12-2024, 05:41 PM. Reason: punctuation


      While I agree, there's really — unfortunately — no use in making this post. Nobody is ever going to change their crappy behaviors regarding certain subjects and that's sadly the way that it will always be. People feel a very strong need to voice their negative opinions for absolutely no reason than to feel superiority and it's everywhere these days. The most you can do is just ban those kinds of discussions, unless they are civil and not full of a load of bullshit. In my PF Discord server I've had those discussions banned for a long time except for when they're respectful and civil; agree to disagree. When it gets to the point of bringing in the political side of the band or calling certain instrumentals or lyrics a fat load of shite, then that's where I draw the line.

      I will personally never understand people's almost freakish obsession with bringing up the negativities regarding things that weren't even being discussed in the first place. These kinds of things just live in their heads completely rent free and when you call them out, they just pull out the "this is a free country" card to excuse their stupid actions. Free speech doesn't excuse you when you are in a community that has rules EXPLICITLY WRITTEN to NOT argue about that topic. These kinds of people need to stop and grow up.

      The saying is as old as oxygen, but it stands true most of the time: if you have nothing nice to say, then don't say anything at all. Of course criticism is allowed, but to be an outright shithead is just exhausting to read and hear. So much negative energy in the world these days and it truly pisses me off. I used to feed into that stuff years ago and getting out of it has really improved my mental health drastically. It wouldn’t hurt for others to do the same. If some random fuckin' 22 year old across the pond can do it, you can do it too.

      Anyway... that's my rant. I agree with your post, but it won't do much, I'm afraid.
      - The Pink Floyd Research Group -


        I'm all for us being inclusive here. I have my own opinions on the RW/DG & Polly Samson divide but if someone has a different opinion I don't feel the need to argue with them - plenty of other places for that. I come here to read about Floyd curiosities and have a haven from conflict.

        Nick Mason has the right idea, really. Let's all be more Nick.


          These types of toxic posts are fueled by sensationalist media, fuck them.


            Sometimes, PEOPLE are just disappointed, so that I don't mind, if they express some negative feelings, provided however, that this is kept within the 'boundaries' of our nice little community.


              on PF social media pages its so toxic if say something from 87-94 is posted it gets spammed by pro roger fans who write some pretty nasty personal attacks at David & Polly or the usual putdowns about David.


                That’s why I stay clear of social media


                  Originally posted by Sorrow2024 View Post
                  on PF social media pages its so toxic if say something from 87-94 is posted it gets spammed by pro roger fans who write some pretty nasty personal attacks at David & Polly or the usual putdowns about David.
                  Or you post something that even dares to include a photo of Roger and the comments (on Facebook anyway) are ABSOLUTELY RIDDLED with people calling that guy a fucking nazi. And many more comments telling OP to delete the post etc. 1: at that point, why are you even fucking following the page? 2: grow up and accept that Roger was apart of the band for nearly 20 years. You didn't hate him 40 years ago, so quit crying when he appears in a photograph taken in the 1970s.

                  Stay off social media, kids!
                  - The Pink Floyd Research Group -


                    So can we all agree that these useless discussions/rants don’t belong here and concentrate on all the beauty that all five PF members have given us?
                    The Pink Floyd Archive


                    • Sorrow2024
                      Sorrow2024 commented
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                      agreed and if any posts are posted to cause those arguments they should be given a warning and those posts are not welcome here if they continue by posting in other topics or threads instant ban.

                    • YASHA
                      YASHA commented
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                      I absolutely agree!!!

                    • MGoBlue1989
                      MGoBlue1989 commented
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                      well played daemonspudguy. HAHAHA

                    Frankly, I really don't see what the big deal is. Opinions differ, and ways of expressing them differ. Positive, negative...differing opinions are what make life interesting. I enjoy most eras of PF music, a large portion of their solo works, and will wax rhapsodic about what I enjoy most. I also dislike a certain portion of the catalog and have no issue with expressing my views on what I dislike.

                    Personally, I think we should be able to express just about any opinion here as long as we're not attacking members based on race, religion, sex, or political affiliation. Disagreement with someone of any of those demographics doesn't necessarily mean that you have an issue with that entire demographic (i.e. "You don't like Polly Samson's lyrics, hence you must be a misogynist"), just the member themselves.

                    How we express disagreement goes a long way toward how a comment is received. For instance, there's a big difference between "That idea doesn't sound too smart to me" and "Goddam, you're a moron".

                    Please don't go all Orwellian by clamping down on differences of opinion, or "negativity", or whatever other term you'd like to coin to rationalize censorship. As I said, differences of opinion are what make life, and websites, interesting. Like Roger said...if you go to a show and it doesn't move you, you won't go back. The SUNDAY SHOWDOWNs I've been posting have (for the most part) pitted Dave against Roger in most contests, and commenters have been able to discuss the relative merits of the contestants without much rancor until just recently. I would hate for honest opinions in a discussion and debate about the music we all claim to love to be stifled for fear of hurting someone's precious feelings. Rather than everyone having to walk on eggshells all the time, it's my opinion that some folks just need to grow a bit thicker skin. Just my two cents, YMMV.

                    Click image for larger version

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                    Last edited by stonytokes; 10-15-2024, 08:33 PM.
                    And ultimately, who gives a fuck anyway?


                      Originally posted by Sorrow2024 View Post
                      agreed and if any posts are posted to cause those arguments they should be given a warning and those posts are not welcome here if they continue by posting in other topics or threads instant ban.
                      "SILENCE!! There will be no whistling in the hall! EIN, ZWEI, DREI, ALLE!!!"
                      And ultimately, who gives a fuck anyway?


                        Originally posted by stonytokes View Post

                        "SILENCE!! There will be no whistling in the hall! EIN, ZWEI, DREI, ALLE!!!"
                        It should be totally acceptable to reduce negativity and arguments on a friendly forum as much as possible. I don't agree with your post.

                        It's obvious that you are allowed to voice your opinion here, positive or negative — we know that. The problem is when people begin arguing or belittling certain band members or contributors for no reason than to dick measure. It happens a lot on here and I'd love to see it reduced as much as it can be (and the mods have been doing a great job at that).
                        - The Pink Floyd Research Group -


                        • NuffM
                          NuffM commented
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                          You do not need to openly exclaim that Roger Waters is a jew hating nazi in every post in order to share your opinion. Don't like Roger? Cool. Move on now. And I'm not saying YOU, I'm referring to the people that HAVE done that. Who HAVE taken every chance they get to spew the stupidest shit about Roger, Polly or David. It's everywhere.

                          Again, you've misunderstood the posts in this thread including mine just now.

                          I'm taking my exit from this discussion now.

                        • stonytokes
                          stonytokes commented
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                          If you're not clear in what you post, it's no wonder that you're misunderstood. You started talking about criticism of band members for no other reason that dick measuring, and then veered off course by shifting to members who've referred to Roger as a Jew-hating Nazi?. I really don't see how the two are related, and conflation of the two is moving the goalposts so far as to be out of the stadium.

                          I must have missed all the Jew-hating Nazi posts. Did the perpetrators look anything like these guys?


                        • stonytokes
                          stonytokes commented
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                          When people here are so sensitive that referring to Polly Samson as Gilmour's wife is somehow deemed offensive this forum has jumped the shark. Get a life, people.


                        "It doesn't have to be like this. All we need to do is make sure that we keep talking."

                        And ultimately, who gives a fuck anyway?


                        Originally posted by YASHA View Post
                        And you are a "wonderful" instigator. Have you run out of something again?
                        Now this little gem is really rich. Is YASHA suggesting that I'm a drug addict that lacks his drug of choice? Talk about a personal attack. Is this sort of behavior really warranted in a music forum? He'll doubtless blame his comment on being "lost in translation" but what other interpretation could we hang on these words, eh?

                        In the state in which I live my drug of choice is available on every street corner and I can grow it in my back yard if I wish. The party never ends, and I smoked a live resin infused spliff not long before I posted this,, junkie fiending for his fix here. Just a well-lubricated psyche battling wits with the unarmed.

                        I suppose I could engage in the same sort of behavior, and mention a certain nationality's propensity for potato spirits, but, we really just want to keep trading insults back and forth? Let's just admit...I don't like you, you don't like me, and if I annoy you that badly, just look up the ignore link.
                        And ultimately, who gives a fuck anyway?

