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Symbolism of The Final Cut Video EP

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    Symbolism of The Final Cut Video EP

    Hi folks,

    I was rewatching The video EP for TFC and it seems to be far fuller of symbolism than the album (or at least diferent)

    I saw there was a post with some very scant details here -

    Anyone know if there has been any work done on this?

    Also That forum post didn't really confirm RW's thoughts on the end product, do we know how much input he had (I would think a great deal)
    There are so many clips of old news reel, some of which are recognizable, others not so much.

    You can find a version here -

    Thought it might spark some interesting discussion

    I can do another review and give some thoughts if there is nothing else out there


    I love this album, the video EP, and its themes. Honest discussion of it, however, may be more than this forum is capable of handling due to the politically charged nature of the album, the conflicts within the band at the time, and the proscription of any substantive disagreement on virtually any DG vs RW topic posted here. It's ironic that you should post this considering your call for a ceasefire on the whole DG vs RW war in your most recent post, unless I'm misremembering who posted that thread.
    Last edited by stonytokes; 10-15-2024, 08:49 PM.
    And ultimately, who gives a fuck anyway?


      You are not misremembering and this post was why I chose to post the other one. The work should be treated as distinct from the other stuff. I realize this was a thorn in the side and however much I feel this is a solo work by Roger essentially and is quite removed from what you would call classic Floyd it still moves me like no other solo work he has done since.

      But all the members solo work work should be able to be discussed without descending to the feud


      • stonytokes
        stonytokes commented
        Editing a comment
        I don't really consider TFC to be a solo work being that it still features Dave and Nick prominently, even if Rick was pretty out of it by all accounts around this time, and don't consider TFC to be that far removed from classic Floyd in that it's comprised at least partially of leftovers from The Wall.

        I certainly agree that all members and contributors solo work should be able to be discussed. I worry less about the so-called "feud" and discussion of it. Let those who wish to discuss it discuss it, and those that wish to refrain from discussion may refrain is my perspective on that.

        I do, however, think that discussion of this album, the video, and its themes would bear fruit if people could be objective about the subject matter. In my opinion, this period is when Roger really came into his own and started putting out albums that IN MY OPINION rival even Pink Floyd's most revered works. Certainly not a popular OPINION being that TFC is generally regarded as a disappointing follow up to The Wall, and his next two solo works are generally pretty solidly derided as well, but that's my OPINION and I'm sticking to it. It is also my OPINION that The Final Cut is a fucking masterpiece, and though I may not have understood it fully back at age 13 when it first came out, even back then I was drawn to it because it had the same theatrical production style as The Wall, even if it was more somber and less bombastic.

        Here...go check out what happened the last time TFC was discussed around here. Good times, good times...