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Sea Of Tranquility review: David Gilmour 'Luck and Strange'

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    Sea Of Tranquility review: David Gilmour 'Luck and Strange'

    Sea Of Tranquility is my favorite YT music channel which focuses on the classic rock, hard rock/metal, prog and prog fusion genres. Frankly, I was pretty surprised at the rating given to the new album. Spoiler alert: Pardo rates L&S just sort of an absolute classic...

    And ultimately, who gives a fuck anyway?

    Originally posted by stonytokes View Post
    Sea Of Tranquility is my favorite YT music channel which focuses on the classic rock, hard rock/metal, prog and prog fusion genres. Frankly, I was pretty surprised at the rating given to the new album. Spoiler alert: Pardo rates L&S just sort of an absolute classic...

    His opinion completely lost all credibility when he said that Luck and Strange could have been a track on Animals.


      Originally posted by stonytokes View Post
      Pardo rates L&S just sort of an absolute classic...
      Which means he is blinded by fandom, rating the album based on the name on the cover rather than its content.


        Originally posted by rontoon View Post

        His opinion completely lost all credibility when he said that Luck and Strange could have been a track on Animals.
        Well, that was a stretch, but there are definitely some chords that reminded me of a jazzed-up version of his keys on Sheep.

        Didn't find a whole lot of substance to this review, though.

        The album, I must say, has grown on me a lot. The early release tracks were the weakest ones. Sings, Scattered, and A Single Spark turned out to be gems. The title track I think could have benefited from a longer run time with more Rick, but I still like it, and the lyrical themes are actually quite profound, which I never thought I'd hear myself saying about a Polly-penned number.


        • DementedAvengers
          DementedAvengers commented
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          ive seen plenty of petes videos and he REALLY knows his stuff. but yeah theres nothing on this album that even slightly resembles animals imo lol.

        my local classic rock station isn't playing any of this album, nor will it be playing any of it in the future, so i doubt it will ever be a "classic" anything, nevermind being anywhere near the level of any of the best post-Meddle pink floyd stuff... but it's immensely enjoyable, to me, and i think i'll revisit it more in the coming years than RTL or the first DG album. it'll be difficult to unseat OAI or AF as my favourite gilmour solo release, but it certainly has a shot, so far. really depends how often i turn to it for the comfort of that particular "gilmour sound," i guess...
        ...Raving and Drooling I fell on my Arse with a Squelch...


          Originally posted by ILuvHoney View Post

          Which means he is blinded by fandom, rating the album based on the name on the cover rather than its content.
          What do you mean like your fandom of Waters . I think you have made your feelings on Gilmour very clear so any comments on the album from you can be taken with a pinch of salt


            Originally posted by Chapter 24 View Post

            What do you mean like your fandom of Waters . I think you have made your feelings on Gilmour very clear so any comments on the album from you can be taken with a pinch of salt
            Or ignored.


              Originally posted by geoffers View Post
              my local classic rock station isn't playing any of this album, nor will it be playing any of it in the future, so i doubt it will ever be a "classic" anything, nevermind being anywhere near the level of any of the best post-Meddle pink floyd stuff... but it's immensely enjoyable, to me, and i think i'll revisit it more in the coming years than RTL or the first DG album. it'll be difficult to unseat OAI or AF as my favourite gilmour solo release, but it certainly has a shot, so far. really depends how often i turn to it for the comfort of that particular "gilmour sound," i guess...
              In fairness, radio play has not been one of the factors in something becoming a classic since the late-90's, and before that it was only sometimes a part of something becoming a classic. Glad you are enjoying it! I preordered it, but have yet to listen to it. I might just save it for later in life since there's not likely to be much new from these guys going forward. I only listened to Is This The Life We Really Want one time with that same idea in mind. Something to get into 20 years from now when these guys are probably long gone and I am wishing I have some new Floyd related things to listen to.


                Originally posted by rontoon View Post

                His opinion completely lost all credibility when he said that Luck and Strange could have been a track on Animals.
                LOL thank you, now I won’t waste my time with the video.


                  I’m adding L&S to the polite applause group, which already includes OAI and RTL. All three albums have their moments, and their snoozers. David is an amazing musician, but the songwriting only goes so far.


                    Originally posted by geoffers View Post
                    so i doubt it will ever be a "classic" anything, nevermind being anywhere near the level of any of the best post-Meddle pink floyd stuff...
                    Your problem is when you compare it to other albums as if it's meant to top them or be below them. Why do you care so much? Just listen to it and if you like it, cool. If you don't like it, cool. Your favourites aren't going anywhere. It's not a competition and never was. This goes for everybody, btw.
                    - The Pink Floyd Research Group -


                      Originally posted by NuffM View Post

                      Your problem is when you compare it to other albums as if it's meant to top them or be below them. Why do you care so much? Just listen to it and if you like it, cool. If you don't like it, cool. Your favourites aren't going anywhere. It's not a competition and never was. This goes for everybody, btw.
                      david himself called it the best thing he's been a part of since DSotM, not me. the guy in the video is calling it a near classic, not me. it needs a lot more time to become either of those things, for me. the only problem i have is a problem of riches. between pf and the members' solo works, there's so many things that i still go back to, often, and i'm feeling already that this album will compete for playing time with david's best albums. (and i'm not even talking about all the other music i listen to, which is also filled with "classic" titles that i'll want to revisit, if i'm given a few more years.)

                      why do i care so much? because music is transcendental for me. i'd already be dead without it, as it's the most wonderful and consistent thing in my life. simple as that. i'm not ranking the music i love/like because it's a competition, but because there is a finite number of times i can ever listen to each title, and (for example) if i'm given one week to live by my doctor tomorrow, i will absolutely listen to About Face once more (along with most of the later floyd catalog), while this release won't make that cut. but in a year's time, i'll have revised my "one week" list, and it may have more meaning to me, then... and so on. if you don't view listening to music this way, then that's cool. we all have our reasons why we're fans, and the music means something different to everyone... as it should.

                      but now i'm curious if you have a ranking system? how/why do you not compare albums? what's the most frequently played album you own, and how many more times do you think you'll hear it before you die? and why that album over every other in the world? [but perhaps this would derail the thread topic?]

                      just a curious floyd fan (among others)...
                      ...Raving and Drooling I fell on my Arse with a Squelch...


                        Originally posted by geoffers View Post
                        david himself called it the best thing he's been a part of since DSotM, not me. the guy in the video is calling it a near classic, not me. it needs a lot more time to become either of those things, for me.

                        Originally posted by geoffers View Post
                        but now i'm curious if you have a ranking system? how/why do you not compare albums? what's the most frequently played album you own, and how many more times do you think you'll hear it before you die? and why that album over every other in the world? [but perhaps this would derail the thread topic?
                        None of this matters to me as long as the stuff I listen to continues to exist at any given moment at which I would be in the mood to listen to it. Ranking this kind of stuff is pointless to me.
                        - The Pink Floyd Research Group -


                          Originally posted by geoffers View Post
                          but now i'm curious if you have a ranking system? how/why do you not compare albums? ...
                          It may be a cultural thing. People from certain parts of the world tend to create lists, and feel uneasy if some thing is not considered better than another thing. That kind of linear thinking and the hunger for a grading system is soaked deep in their mentality even for circumstances where that is not needed at all. People from other cultures do not feel the same
                          I may be quite invested in knowing which steel has the better load capacity for the house I'm building, as that is information which may have a difference between life and death. But for art, music and literature, specially when considering works from the same artist, a ranking system is just useless to me: I now see them as a dynamic three-dimensional organism where all parts coexist and help the overall experience. How would you rank the parts of your body? Take one of them out and you'll be missing something. Consider any of them of less value, and you'll be grading your whole body as less precious overall. Better try to understand how each part interact with each other, and how they enrich themselves.


                            Originally posted by ruben77 View Post

                            It may be a cultural thing. People from certain parts of the world tend to create lists, and feel uneasy if some thing is not considered better than another thing. That kind of linear thinking and the hunger for a grading system is soaked deep in their mentality even for circumstances where that is not needed at all. People from other cultures do not feel the same
                            I may be quite invested in knowing which steel has the better load capacity for the house I'm building, as that is information which may have a difference between life and death. But for art, music and literature, specially when considering works from the same artist, a ranking system is just useless to me: I now see them as a dynamic three-dimensional organism where all parts coexist and help the overall experience. How would you rank the parts of your body? Take one of them out and you'll be missing something. Consider any of them of less value, and you'll be grading your whole body as less precious overall. Better try to understand how each part interact with each other, and how they enrich themselves.
                            absolutely, i agree with the cultural thing. i'm a child of the decadent west, through and through! the fact that i've been able to focus on my love of music (and literature, film, and the arts, in general) throughout my life is a blessing that's not lost on me. even though i'm at the bottom of the economic ladder here in my little town in east tennessee, i've still been able to afford the luxury of supporting the artists (and arts) that i love, including trips to see pink floyd (and david, roger, and nick) in concert. (and, per my reply above, many other great bands and artists, besides.) my life's been a literal embarrassment of riches, music-wise...

                            as for ranking my body parts? that's actually doable! certain things i could live without (a hand, or leg, or a kidney... definitely 40 lbs or so of accumulated fat), a couple i absolutely could not, like the brain or the heart. obviously. my eyes and ears (and brain) are absolutely my top 3 favourite organs! i prefer my body to be whole, and to remain so, but i'm still a human who can survive the loss of a few peripheral parts, if necessary...
                            ...Raving and Drooling I fell on my Arse with a Squelch...


                            • DeepCreatures
                              DeepCreatures commented
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                              If you don't mind me asking, what little town in east TN?

                            • stonytokes
                              stonytokes commented
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                              I hope you're okay where you are. I heard your area got hit pretty hard.