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Questions for Gilmour

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    Questions for Gilmour

    Post your questions for David Gilmour

    Originally posted by y!me
    Why are so many of the new songs boring?
    Rent free.
    - The Pink Floyd Research Group -


    • NuffM
      NuffM commented
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      Least we have one thing in common.

    • tiwaz10
      tiwaz10 commented
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      Well, I'd say the one 'exuding negativity' is the one who says, 'Why are so many of the new songs boring?' when you've only listened to 1/3 of the album. It’s not going to be Pompeii, and it won’t sound like Cannibal Corpse... It’s David Gilmour at 78 years old. To each their own.

    • Llama
      Llama commented
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      Tiwaz10, maybe it won't sound like Cannibal Corpse, but one could at least hope for some 6 Feet Under inspired guitar work and vocals! Lol

    Why do you avoid any songs from Animals in concert Especially Dogs


    • YASHA
      YASHA commented
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      In my opinion, the answer is on the surface, but it would be interesting to listen to David's arguments.

    I asked if he consider releasing a solo box set.



      Why didn't you have Steven Wilson as a producer? I think the new material would sound much better.​


      • NuffM
        NuffM commented
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        More like, why didn't Wilson remix his debut album / and if he did, where is it?

      Why, given that these are your concerts and not the Floyd's, have you always avoided playing anything from the first two albums you recorded? Besides, they're the best bits yer've done solo, aren't they?" 🤔


        Has anyone told you the “more cowbell” thing was actually a gag?

        I have a feeling the curated questions and responses will largely focus on the new album and his working relationship with Polly.


          This was my question(s). Most likely won't get a reply, but I had to try:
          Hello Mr Gilmour,
          As most of the questions I wanted to make are already made, I'd like to know what the strategy is for your next solo or PInk Floyd related reissues: any plans for your solo records to be remixed in surround? Any idea about when The Wall new 5.1 mix done by James Guthrie will be released? Any plans to continue remixing in Atmos the rest of the catalogue.
          Thank you very much in advance


            Have you ever been dissatisfied with PF releases since 1987 to the present day?

            And the same question regarding your solo releases over the same period of time.​
            We were all on the same page



            • Emdy
              Emdy commented
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              I think the extent of the work done on the remixes and the apparent unwillingness to acknowledge those first couple solo albums would zig-zag to a subdued version of the word “yes”.

            Gilmour answering a few questions.


              Originally posted by Emdy View Post
              I have a feeling the curated questions and responses will largely focus on the new album and his working relationship with Polly.
              Unfortunately, I think you're right on the money. There are many interesting questions in that comment section, but I don't believe those will ever be sent to Gilmour, instead the picked ones being focused on the rather pedestrian topics you mentioned - out of everything that I'd like to see him discuss, said subjects are near the bottom of the list.

              I'd like to ask what are his views on his favourite musical composition of all time, whatever it is.
              Last edited by TheMoebLoop; 08-25-2024, 09:35 PM.


              • tiwaz10
                tiwaz10 commented
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                I like the last question, but I would refine it to: What are the greatest compositions in history that have touched your heart, whether for better or worse?

              • TheMoebLoop
                TheMoebLoop commented
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                That is indeed an improvement, but I am afraid that would lead him to just list them without offering comment on what he thinks about each.
                Last edited by TheMoebLoop; 08-26-2024, 02:29 AM.

              Can you please tell us all about the new album and your working relationship with Polly?


              • TheMoebLoop
                TheMoebLoop commented
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                Maybe not in such an overt manner, but I suspect that will be the overtone of whatever he's given to work with 🤭
                Last edited by TheMoebLoop; 08-26-2024, 02:29 AM.

              Hey David, what's the most off your head you've ever been when playing a gig? Those early Amsterdam gigs always sounded pretty, er, relaxed to my ears :-)


                And ultimately, who gives a fuck anyway?


                  One of Syd's ideas that was categorised as mad and was often offered as a contributory factor in his expulsion from the group was his suggestion to add saxophone players and a female singer. Whose idea was it to incorporate extra singers and saxophone on DSOTM, and was their expulsion from the band considered? ;-)


                  • MrFender
                    MrFender commented
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                    Well played Sir.

                  • Blackstrat
                    Blackstrat commented
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                    probably more of a Nick question tbh