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When the great economic collapse happens, it's going to happen right across the board...

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    When the great economic collapse happens, it's going to happen right across the board...

    I've had this clip from Pompeii rattling around in my brain watching the global financial markets tank today. šŸ˜†

    And ultimately, who gives a fuck anyway?ā€‹

    The Dark Side Of The Market ...


      they need to sell the back catalogue off pretty quickly in that case ;-)


        It's only a temporary setback after making major record breaking gains for a long time.


          Originally posted by rontoon View Post
          It's only a temporary setback after making major record breaking gains for a long time.
          - The Pink Floyd Research Group -ā€‹


            It's the nature of the stock market. I've been in it long enough to know this and not panic.


              Today's rally is why markets aren't judged by a single day or in the short term and has nothing to do with elected officials or who is running (although everyone loves to point their political finger in that direction).


              • rontoon
                rontoon commented
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                y!me that's just during the last few days. If you've been invested in the market over the past 10 years your money should have doubled. My 410k is down $12k+ over the past 7 days ($16k from its high point) but I'm not sweating it. Markets are rallying again today. I have 4 more years until I'll need it and I'm betting on being way ahead by then.

                Good luck with your home purchase. I'll be in the market to purchase a condo next year.
                Last edited by rontoon; 08-07-2024, 04:26 PM.

              • stonytokes
                stonytokes commented
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                y!me My "investments", so to speak, are the home I inherited from my mother when she passed a decade ago which I own outright, my cymbal collection, guns and ammo, and a large stockpile of food.

                I'm cash poor now, but back around 2015 I was sitting on a fat stack. If I had put a portion of my liquid assets into an index fund when Trump was elected in '16, I would still be sitting pretty. C'est la vie. At least I acquired the hard assets I really wanted/needed before inflation ate my inheritance away.

                If you're more conservative, live in Ohio, and need to buy a house, I'd look in WV. I'm considering moving there from Maine. It's a red state. taxation is low, they have Constitutional Carry, and the cost of living is pretty cheap there if you're retired and living on a pension. It's an up and comer, especially if you can bring your job with you and work remotely.

                Unfortunately, though, they don't have legal weed like you now have in Ohio which is kind of a sticking point for me...
                Last edited by stonytokes; 08-07-2024, 05:55 PM.

              • stonytokes
                stonytokes commented
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                DJI down about .5% currently. We'll see how the day ends up in about an hour.

              What does not prevent from being and remaining a soap bubble
              We were all on the same page



              • Emdy
                Emdy commented
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                stonytokes YASHA Guys, just donā€™t talk to each other. Thereā€™s very little to be gained by holding a grudge against a stranger on an obscure Internet forum, and more often than not it comes across as a bizarre obsession with the person that makes you look more foolish than the one you perceive as a fool. Looking for any little thing to criticize in a personā€™s comment is ridiculous, and responding to that compounds the ridiculousness.

                Now, to lightly contradict myself;

                y!me Given your primary goals here appear to be to insult others and moan about perceived attacks against your own people, your propensity to ā€œotherā€ people and your obtuse lack of self awareness have become so amusing by this point that theyā€™ve nearly horseshoed around as sources of endearment. You insult a personā€™s broken English, give falsely repentant praise for using a translation service, and then go right back to insulting them for it. You accuse others of trolling and yet remain a constant source of negativity in spite of every reason not to be one. Iā€™m reminded of moments in time as a child watching the beautiful little gobies in the fish tank eat their own waste, or seeing the blind geriatric Jack Russel bark at the wall that it just bumped into. Tragically amusing. Please, keep it up, we often greatly undervalue how much a good laugh can save an otherwise dismal day.

              • stonytokes
                stonytokes commented
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                y!me It appears that the hallway monitor has arrived. Careful. No fun allowed. EIN, ZWEI, DREI, ALLE!


              • stonytokes
                stonytokes commented
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                Surgeon general's warning: Amusement may be habit-forming, addictive, and ultimately deadly.

              I prefer to look at my investments in the context of where I started, and particularly how they've done over the past 10 years.

              Even so, today was another good comeback day. While I don't expect to make much in the markets this year (I predict it will be relatively flat) I don't expect to get hurt either.

              And the only musician that id ever take investment advice from is Gene Simmons! šŸ¤£
              Last edited by rontoon; 08-13-2024, 11:41 PM.


                Originally posted by y!me

                Why's that? How out of touch am I that I don't get the joke?
                Because it's not a joke. He's both a marketing and financial genius.


                • stonytokes
                  stonytokes commented
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                  EYE don't know if I'd go that far, but he certainly has never met a dollar that he didn't like. EYE think Gene tends to take a bit more credit for the KISS marketing machine than he's due, but you can't fault his dedication to the brand. He and Paul kept it alive all these years and have reaped the benefits thoroughly.

                  And his new solo band kicks some serious ass. The cover they do of the original demo version of Van Halen's House Of Pain (which Simmons produced for VH just before they broke) absolutely smokes. He seems to be having a lot of fun now that's he's done with KISS.

                  Last edited by stonytokes; 08-14-2024, 06:37 AM.