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The Final Cut

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    The Final Cut

    Controversial opinion: The first side of The Final Cut is excellent (at least before they put "When The Tigers Broke Free" on it). Just don't listen to the second or watch the video EP.

    Originally posted by floweredup View Post
    Controversial opinion: The first side of The Final Cut is excellent (at least before they put "When The Tigers Broke Free" on it). Just don't listen to the second or watch the video EP.
    Okay...? 🤣
    - The Pink Floyd Research Group -


      Lol. The Final Cut is, if anything, at least to me, something strange. Some songs are a piece of art (The Hero's Return, The Final Cut, Two Suns in the Sunset, maybe Not Now John though it's clearly a b-side to Young Lust, like a pre-Young Lust or simply a leftover which is too similar to Young Lust, you know, that kind of songs you write and left behind when a similiar and better song comes from it. If you're in a band you know what I mean) but most of it sound as crapy leftovers from The Wall.

      In fact I've been listening to The Final Cut not so long ago, some days ago. A bit calm music while riding on the bus to work.

      Still, I like The Final Cut more than Division Bell. And I think that AMLOR is a great album. Come together, right now, over me.

      If an act of empathy is considered somehow as something radical, we're living in dangerous times.

      Pink Floyd tradelist // Oasis tradelist


        Waters said recently if he were to remake another Floyd album it would be the Final Cut, and I’d be all for that! I think he could pull it off better than DSOTM Redux.


        • ILuvHoney
          ILuvHoney commented
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          Personally I would prefer that he did a redux of Radio KAOS, as a double LP with all outtakes included.

        • stonytokes
          stonytokes commented
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          I'll second the KAOS redux

        One album I just don't play anymore. Haven't for decades.


          Originally posted by rontoon View Post
          One album I just don't play anymore. Haven't for decades.
          sorry for interfering with my opinion

          try to listen two albums in a row - The Final Cut and Is This The Life We Really Want? - possibly you might change your mind - they go together perfectly​


            Originally posted by svaerige View Post

            sorry for interfering with my opinion

            try to listen two albums in a row - The Final Cut and Is This The Life We Really Want? - possibly you might change your mind - they go together perfectly​
            Can't stand either one.


              No, I love both sides almost equally.
              would you really prefer TFC without the title track and Two Suns in the Sunset? Seriously?
              Some of the best bits on The Final Cut are on side 2, and its weakest track (imo), The Hero's Return, is on side 1.


                Personal musical preferences are a personal matter for everyone, isn't it?

                "When The Tigers Broke Free", in my opinion, is a very deep and soulful song.​
                We were all on the same page



                  Editing a comment
                  “When the Tigers Broke Free” is one of a very small handful of songs that has the ability to reduce me to tears if I hear it at the opportune moment.

                  How anyone could listen to a man, who we all know has been so seriously affected by the death of his father as a child, recount the details of that tragedy in such a wounded and emotive voice under a muted and funereal arrangement (that reminds me of the officers playing “taps” at my own father’s funeral) and not be deeply affected emotionally is crazy to me.
                  Last edited by; 03-30-2024, 12:45 AM.

                • ILuvHoney
                  ILuvHoney commented
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                  A very emotional song, without doubt, but personally I don't think it belongs on The Final Cut. I feel that the album flows better without it. Furthermore, I feel that it kind of butchers the concept. The Final Cut is a different concept from The Wall, only circumstancially linked to the latter. TFC is told from the perspective of the tortured and traumatized returning war veteran, not from the story of the child of the non-returning veteran, hence the addition of this The Wall relic feels a bit clumsy, especially when it is placed where it is. He does reference the loss of his father in The Post War Dream, but I feel like that song is sort of a prologue told from Roger's own perspective rather than part of the storyline (sort of like how The Wall starts in the present with "In the Flesh?", and after that goes chronologically). However, placed at track 4 rather than 1 or 2, WTTBF feels like a sharp digression in the middle of the story.
                  One of the Few and The Hero's Return lyrically belong together, telling of how the protagonist came to work as a teacher and lives with his wife but mentally is still at war. The inclusion of When the Tigers Broke Free interrupts in the middle of this.
                  I feel that the inclusion of that track on The Final Cut doesn't really work well. It's sort of like if they had included the 8-track version of Pigs on the Wing as the fourth track on The Wall. I would of course love if that track was re-released, but... not there!

                • YASHA
                  YASHA commented
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                  One of the ones who came back...

                  The WTTBF included in TFC is a lyrical digression from the main theme, and calls for the memory of those who did not return...

                  You may like it and you may not like it...

                TFC is a great album. The best Roger Waters solo album 😏. He predicts the end of the Post War Consensus and addresses PTSD way before it became trendy.
                And just to clear up a long established misunderstanding - the women dressed in her summer frock bravely waving goodbye to the troops on the quay in Southampton Dock is NOT Margaret Thatcher.


                  Originally posted by ILuvHoney View Post
                  its weakest track (imo), The Hero's Return, is on side 1.
                  Ha! That is just proof that tastes vary wildly. The Hero's Return is the only track that I find remotely interesting to listen to. But then, I'm here for the music, not the story.

                  Before any arguments start: I'm not gonna deny the right of people to enjoy the story; it's just not my thing.


                    Its Floyd's best album as far as Im concerned.


                      Originally posted by Nodak View Post
                      Its Floyd's best album as far as Im concerned.
                      Really love this album too...


                        I really do love this album, a lot, and also consider it more of a solo album by Rog, because it really kind of is. I also try to not compare it against the rest of the catalog and just appreciate for what it is.

                        Roger, if you're reading this, please don't mess with the album and try and remake it. Let these documents stand as they are.
                        Click here to access my Pink Floyd lists!


                          Originally posted by buffalofloyd View Post
                          Roger, if you're reading this, please don't mess with the album and try and remake it. Let these documents stand as they are.
                          That's what most of us said about Dark Side but here we are.

                          For every mile of road, there's two miles of ditch. Three if you're on the Interstate. - Derek Bieri, Vice Grip Garage

                          PF - April 18, 1988, Denver
                          PF - June 22, 1994, Minneapolis
                          Rog - July 16, 2017, Atlanta (Taped)
                          Rog - Aug 20, 2022, Atlanta (Taped)
                          Nick - March 29, 2019, Atlanta (Taped)

