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Pink Floyd And EMI Spectacular Sound Effects

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    Pink Floyd And EMI Spectacular Sound Effects

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    can anyone tell me in which version of Atom Heart Mother was used "Heavy Sea & Wind" sound effect ?

    thanks in advance​

    That's a wild thread! Impressive they figured out all those sound FX sources. And Jac Holzman who founded Elektra was responsible for some of them.

    Can't answer your question but thx for the link


      sorta related trivia: I read Kubrick wanted to use AHM in his Clockwork Orange film, but Waters turned him down. So that might explain why Kubrick wouldn't let Waters use any 2001 HAL sounds on his Amused to Death album?


      • Journey Man
        Journey Man commented
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        Roger did eventually succeed though and incorporated some HAL dialogue on the 2015 release of ATD.

      yeah, and he was able to use it on the live tours because of a legal loophole around it's use, I think? Or maybe he got permission after the initial album release


        I have been wondering about the boxing announcement audio from Lost for Words, where is that from? I thought about mixing it in with the rehearsal of the song that was released with the new PULSE Blu-ray. Add some audience noise and the boxing sounds/announcer and it would sound more live and could be added to the PULSE tracklist seamlessly 😊
        I love Lost for Words 😊

