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Crystal Voyager

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    Crystal Voyager

    My son was in town for Christmas, and I was watching his videos from his recent trip to Hawaii. This led to me digging up some old surfing videos and movies, which eventually led to a re-watch of Crystal Voyager.

    That led to a bit of an online search for some of the other music used in the film, and I found this 2019 interview with the makers of the film. The Floyd connection gets a few mentions along the way, but the story of how they came to do a deal to get the rights to use Echoes is from about the 47 and a half minute mark:

    intresting thanks! The only surfing film I have ever seen is Big Wednesday.

    And Point Break. Not purely a surf film, but good


      That was really good!

      I'd never heard of the film before: it's quite amazing he got all that footage with his homebuilt camera from military surplus US spyplane parts. And that influenced others later on, who followed suit with the same camera base. Nowadays everyone has a gopro, but back then it must have been mindblowing.

      Swimming out & surfing with a 25lb camerapack on your back, for each shot. Respect!

      To George, a true renaissance man.


        Originally posted by umma gumma View Post
        intresting thanks! The only surfing film I have ever seen is Big Wednesday.
        Not sur eif you listened to the whole interview, but George Greenough from Crystal Voyager also did the in-wave footage for Big Wednesday


          No shit!! I missed that, just skipped thru the interview. Thanks!

