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    i just stumbled upon this! Premiering in 44 hours!!

    Yes, the film is amazing. Only 7½ or so minutes in length but some very very enjoyable and lengthy shots! The film was being gatekept for a long time by some people unfortunately. So I'm happy that I can be the one to publish it for all fans to enjoy. I got permission from the generous lad that owns the physical reel too!
    Last edited by NuffM; 11-11-2023, 02:21 AM. Reason: Additional information
    - The Pink Floyd Research Group -


    • karol
      karol commented
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      Miliooooooooooooon thanx !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • karol
      karol commented
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      ...there is a TORRENT somewhere...thanks

    Originally posted by NuffM View Post
    The film was being gatekept for a long time by some people unfortunately.
    Wow, I thought most of the gatekeeping stuff was just rumours - hopefully those who were gatekeeping it get pleasure from seeing how happy it will make people!


      I hope this is just one of the pleasant finds that await us
      We were all on the same page



        Originally posted by DesertRat View Post

        Wow, I thought most of the gatekeeping stuff was just rumours - hopefully those who were gatekeeping it get pleasure from seeing how happy it will make people!
        Unfortunately it's no rumour with a lot of stuff. I heard of so many excuses for this footage - that they were waiting for it to be wetgated; or dirt cleaned; or even — and definitely the worst — colourized frame by frame. It's a duplicate print from a damn magazine, just leave it black and white!! It's too dark for any colourization to even look good either. The film was in their hands for well over a year and they lied about having it, most likely to use for trading. So glad it's finally being put out.
        - The Pink Floyd Research Group -


          Do you know of any other films that are being held back and waiting to be released?

          Also, is there a list of all the released 8mm footage?
          I remember Harvested released a DVD called 8mm, but since then MUCH more has surfaced. I would love a Blu-Ray of all known 8mm footage!


          • RoyTagliaferro
            RoyTagliaferro commented
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            A Youtube playlist with nearly everything available, only thing missing is this brand new film and the long source for Montreal 77 since there is no proper upload of that YET (Nuff has it almost finished)

            As for other films, I know there are some held back but none of them are going to be released anytime soon...

          Originally posted by Floydfan2410 View Post
          Do you know of any other films that are being held back and waiting to be released?

          Also, is there a list of all the released 8mm footage?
          I remember Harvested released a DVD called 8mm, but since then MUCH more has surfaced. I would love a Blu-Ray of all known 8mm footage!
          Oh man. I can write down a list of so many films that I know are being held back, for almost no reason. I won't write them all now, but Hollywood Bowl source 2 is one of them and it infuriates me. All of Europe 1977 has films too, all owned by one very specific guy...
          - The Pink Floyd Research Group -


            Originally posted by NuffM View Post

            Oh man. I can write down a list of so many films that I know are being held back, for almost no reason. I won't write them all now, but Hollywood Bowl source 2 is one of them and it infuriates me. All of Europe 1977 has films too, all owned by one very specific guy...
            That's crazy! I really can't understand why some people would hold back such films! They are an important document especially because there is so little to no official footage from that era!
            I say release it and make thousands of fans happy, but sadly it's not my decision.


              Originally posted by Floydfan2410 View Post

              That's crazy! I really can't understand why some people would hold back such films! They are an important document especially because there is so little to no official footage from that era!
              I say release it and make thousands of fans happy, but sadly it's not my decision.
              Selfishness. It is understandable if you are a private collector, but man. When you just let those damn films rot in your house and you don't have even the slightest bit of consideration for the fans, then at that point you're just a hoarder IMO. Now, if YOU SHOT IT and it is your own personal home movie, fine. I get it. But when you just have so many films you bought and collected for decades then it just gets upsetting.

              They hold onto these items most likely to feel like they have something that others don't, and perhaps never will. To have something that only *you* have. If it's an item you received via trading and you simply do not have permission to release it, then that is understandable too; we all want to establish healthy and trusting friendships. In a perfect world, all of these little films would be professionally scanned, synced and released. For free. For everyone. But alas, it will never happen.

              So until then, I will continue to make research and release as many new things as I can for this community and this fandom. I've even been sorting my 5,000+ photographs of The Wall tour (1980-81) and have been getting them all ready for - it is a bit slow at the moment, because I've been so busy with video projects...but you can bet that in December, I will be going full force with that stuff. I have so many ideas planned. I just want the community to thrive and enjoy new things, which is exactly why I released this long gatekept film, so that the people that held onto the scan for over a year can no longer use it for their own private, malicious benefit.
              - The Pink Floyd Research Group -


                Thanks a lot, I watched it yesterday and it looks fantastic considering the source and it's age, also as everyone mentioned, the sync is perfect. Easily, the best 8mm footage of the lot.

                About your feelings about recordings that are not shared, well, it's human nature. Same reason why 1% of the population holds most of world's wealth and the rest of us do what we can. It's light and darkness and darkness already won. Though from time to time some brings a bit of light, so thanks again.
                Last edited by gotta_be_crazy; 11-14-2023, 08:28 PM.
                If an act of empathy is considered somehow as something radical, we're living in dangerous times.

                Pink Floyd tradelist // Oasis tradelist


                  Thankfully we have people like Nuff willing to sort out logistics and restoration of these amazing films. Many thanks!


                    Thank you everybody for the comments on the sync. Most of my work typically goes into the sync when I do these films and I always make sure it's correct. I do not want to watch my own work a few years from now and look at an incorrect shot and let it bother me. Because it WOULD bother me, more than I'd like to admit. So, I always give it my all when I sync these films.

                    It always makes me extremely happy to see people compliment the sync. That Hamilton video has nearly a million views and there isn't ONE negative comment regarding the sync - that, rght there, is how I know I got it perfect. Thank you everyone!!! More to come.

                    ...and yes. July 6th 1977 is coming.
                    - The Pink Floyd Research Group -

