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Making sense of the 90s soundtracks and looking for better sources

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    Making sense of the 90s soundtracks and looking for better sources

    To start, I apologize as most likely the info I'm looking for is somewhere on the site in the Y! archives. Indeed, it was trying to make sense of this through the Y! archives that prompted me to just post as my head is spinning...

    So I know about the four (if there's more, then I don't know them!) 90s soundtracks, namely La Carrera Panamericana credited to PF, and the three credited to Dave, Ruby Takes a Trip, The Art of Tripping, and Colours of Infinity. I know that it's speculated (proven?) that all or some of the Dave stuff is actually PF, possibly recorded circa Carrera, and that there is overlap on these projects (namely that Ruby and Infinity contain a lot of overlap).

    Which is all great, but what I am left with a few questions that aren't easily being answered. For one, how much of the above is known for sure? Particularly when it comes to PF vs Dave solo recordings.

    Then there's the matter of what material is on which release and which are duplicated. How much overlap is there between Ruby and Infinity? Is Art of Tripping more unique without overlap? I only saw people talking about overlap with Ruby and Infinity.

    Perhaps most importantly, do we have high quality versions of this stuff? I have the Tree versions, but I'm wondering if there's something better. I know there's a 16 min version of Colours of Infinity that's higher quality (I have it as well), but the Tree's Infinity is just shy of 33 min. Is the difference the talking bits? I could understand if the removal of talking made it a few min shorter, but that's about half the length. And as far as I know, there's never been another attempt at Art of Tripping or Ruby (though Ruby may be because it's duplicated by Colours).

    If there isn't better versions available, I'm prepared to try my hand at making them, though I admit I currently don't know how. But I have a good amount of computer skills, a fair bit of audio editing knowledge, and the stupid determination to spend hours learning and working on a project only for the complete nuts (but then, I assume that's most folks here!). I have found and downloaded the Ruby and Art of Tripping DVDs (or well, am downloading Art currently, low speed and big files). I assume these would be a good place to start, and then I'll have to look into how to use something like Demix Pro to isolate the talking from the music.

    But before going down that road, I figured I'd ask in here if this has already been done and I'm missing it, or if it hasn't been done because it's pointless as the music is all overlap with stuff we have anyway. Thanks a ton for any help on this!

    (Also as a side note, I'm asking here since I'm hoping to be pointed to torrents, which I don't think is allowed in the general discussion. Apologies if I'm in the wrong place!)

    Originally posted by Krickis View Post
    If there isn't better versions available, I'm prepared to try my hand at making them
    the 16 min version of The Colours of Infinity (in higher quality) contains everything that was used in Ruby Takes a Trip (one track requires clearing voice overdubbed)
    also in Ruby Takes a Trip was used EMI Spectacular Sound Effects

    The Colours of Infinity film additionally contains several excerpts of the track known as Calling and an excerpt of early High Hopes theme jam

    most complete versions of both that tracks are available on some 93 session rarities disks (but not in the best quality) - perhaps something could be done with these tracks - but it would be better to use the rarities disks

    one incomplete track (not the same parts) is on both The Colours of Infinity and The Art of Tripping

    there no good quality of complete this track available - it will be good to restore this track in best quality and complete
    Last edited by svaerige; 10-19-2023, 02:33 AM.


      Excellent info, will look more into these! Thank you for the links and explanation. From what I understand, the Ruby stuff is all overlap then? Or there were other songs from Ruby that need to be ripped properly still? (Yes, I ought to sift through the songs I have already to verify this myself...)

      Right now I'm really fixating on making a better La Carrera Panamericana soundtrack using a bit perfect rip of the laserdisc audio and DeMIX Pro. If anyone has experience with the latter or knows a better way to isolate music from talking/sound effects, I'd sure appreciate any help there!


        Can’t believe I’m only just learning about all this now, god the later years boxset really skimped out on these extras right?


          There is (or was) a book for Colours of Infinity that came with the documentary on an official DVD. The sound quality is a bit better than the more commonly circulating versions recorded from, I assume, VHS tapes, although don't get your hopes up too high because it still has the voiceovers of course and it's not like they did a fresh master of the film for the DVD. I think it still came from a videotape.

          I would love a proper release of this + La Carrera Panamericana. I can't believe how much junk ended up on the Later Years set instead of the latter.


            I agree with y'all that the Later Years really disappointed. Felt kinda like an Immersion box for A Momentary Lapse of Reason to me more than anything.

            I'm currently working on using the Early Years Blu Ray release of The Committee to see what I can do with that; I'd like to remove as much of the talking as possible. Work on it is going well, with stumbling points that I'll discuss more when I've finished working on these tracks. On that note though, the talking over tracks is not the actual issue, because with demixing software (which I have) I can isolate and remove vocals fairly well. So I have high hopes for making all this 90s stuff (and The Committee) a more musical experience.

            Edit: Oh, and for the record, I do not currently have a laserdisc player, so I don't actually know when I'll get Carrera up. It'll take some time, to be sure, but I'll plug away at what I can do in the meantime!


              For work that’s been done with The Committee and much more, in general, have a look at this excellent site:




                Unfortunately, those files are mp3s.
                Off surfing with Linda, of course...


                  While I've personally no real issue with MP3, I'm not sold on the quality of that version. Then again I'm not thrilled with the quality of my version so far either. More work to do on it, much more, but I'm not happy with how it's shaping out so far.


                    Just to say, the Early Years Blu-Ray isn't necessarily the best starting point for the Committee soundtrack, as I think it had some rather harsh hiss reduction done. There is an earlier DVD release which is noisier but truer to the source, if that makes sense.

                    There may also be a slight speed / pitch issue - you may want to compare the film version of Arthur Brown's Nightmare with the album track; it's a different recording but will give you an idea of the correct key.

                    I'd love to see a proper attempt at cataloguing all those '90s film soundtrack tunes in their many variations. Maybe even.... a spreadsheet?


                      I didn't know that the EY Committee soundtrack had those issues. It's a shame because I used to own that DVD, but lost it in a house fire a decade or so ago. Might have to track that down... I've also always been bad at speed and pitch correction. I'm thinking while I'm able to do much of the grunt work, someone more skilled than me might have to come in and finish the job. I'll of course make anything I do available to all who want it once I have something worth showing.

                      But with The Committee, I'm having a world of difficulty on it. Might be an issue related to the hiss reduction, might be limitations of some rather new software. Basically, the demixing software on iZotope RX 10 (which is what I've got to work with at the moment) splits the audio file into four: percussion, which works pretty well; bass, which works poorly but is fine because I'm not trying to isolate the bass anyway; vocals, which sometimes captures keyboard and other sounds (rarely, but it's been a huge problem); and other instruments, which captures the faint echo of the vocals. The problem is twofold. One, I don't know how to further separate the musical elements from the vocal track, and it's capturing whole notes and things so deleting them would take out desirable music. Obviously that is not an option. And two, the "other instruments" sound pretty rough with the little ghost of vocals left over, and I've yet to find a way to remove that entirely.

                      I theorize the hiss is making things worse, so going for a truer, but hissier source may not help. The reason I suspect this is because the hiss seems to be divided between the vocals and other instrument tracks, so I think it's muffling the results. But reducing it even more is also causing degredation to the signal, and thus muffling the results as well in a different way. This is all very frustrating.

                      I've shelved work on The Committee, and am now working on Colours of Infinity. I have a DVD of that, it's a package thing with several documentaries on fractals, so plausibly not as good of quality as a DVD that only has the Colours documentary on it. But right now it's what I have to work with, and if I should get a better source, I'll gladly work on that instead. My hope is that because the audio on this is actually very crisp and clear, no hiss, I maybe will be able to avoid some of the issues that were causing me problems on The Committee. Fingers crossed, but I'll be unconvinced until I'm further along on work.

                      Oh, and about a spreadsheet, the issue there is similar to the issue I mentioned before; I struggle when it comes to analyzing differences in audio. That was why I asked for more details here rather than trying to handle it myself. Despite my passion for music and the preservation of it, I am not the best judge of things like mixes and pitch or even recognizing that it's the same score for two movies I've heard soundtracks to many times!


                      • DesertRat
                        DesertRat commented
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                        Best of luck with all of this, and please, do keep us posted

                      Originally posted by marksturdy View Post
                      I'd love to see a proper attempt at cataloguing all those '90s film soundtrack tunes in their many variations. Maybe even.... a spreadsheet?
                      I wouldn't say it's exactly the spreadsheet - but at least it's something :

                      TCOI Bonus 1 = RTAT [ATFOS] 2 + 3 = TCOI [ATFOS] 6

                      TCOI Bonus 2 = TCOI [ATFOS] 1 ; 13 ; 19 = Early Calling

                      TCOI Bonus 3 = RTAT [ATFOS] 1 = TCOI [ATFOS] 18

                      TCOI Bonus 4 = RTAT [ATFOS] 7 + 8 + 9 + 10 = TCOI [ATFOS] 2 ; 20

                      TCOI Bonus 5 = RTAT [ATFOS] 6 ; 12 + 13

                      TCOI Bonus 6 = TCOI Bonus 3

                      TCOI [ATFOS] 12 = Early High Hopes

                      TAOT Credits = TCOI [ATFOS] 3 + 4 + 5 ; 9 + 10

                      the best and complete version is in bold


                      • marksturdy
                        marksturdy commented
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                        So basically, correct me if I'm wrong:

                        - The 16 minute Colours of Infinity bonus contains the bulk of this music. Thus Ruby Takes a Trip is entirely redundant, and Art of Tripping is mostly redundant
                        - To complete the set you need Calling and High Hopes from the rarities discs that circulate, plus an edit of the tune that plays out in part over the end of Art of Tripping, and in part at some point during Colours of Infinity?

                        Have I got that right?

                      • svaerige
                        svaerige commented
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                        yes indeed

                      • Krickis
                        Krickis commented
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                        I didn't realize how helpful this is until last night. Thank you so much! I'll be making use of this list soon!

                      my guess it will be interesting to isolate Richard Wright organ from Autumn '68


                        So is it safe to assume (as I’ve done for years) that the Colours Of Infinity material is actually played by Gilmour, Wright and Mason and therefore actually Pink Floyd?

                        Am sure I’m not telling you anything you don’t already know, but the DVD release actually has the audio soundtrack separate to the documentary.


                        • keleven
                          keleven commented
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                          Not mine! Which DVD release do you have?

                        Originally posted by A Prick Like You View Post
                        So is it safe to assume that the Colours Of Infinity material is actually played by Gilmour, Wright and Mason?
                        the matter is there are doubts that the entire of 1987 - 1993 and 2014 is actually being played by Gilmour Wright and Mason - ha ha ha

