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"Bob Ezrin: Lies Through his Fucking Teeth"

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    "Bob Ezrin: Lies Through his Fucking Teeth"

    This is amusing at the least, because David has said the solo is spliced from multiple takes in more than one interview. Anyone who plays guitar, and who knows DG's style, knows the jump up an entire octave (and 12 frets) 2/3 of the way into the solo is an unnatural move to make, and one that David doesn't do anywhere else, so that is a clear and obvious splice

    Since I was a teenager I have tried to collect every interview I could find abut The Wall from all the various people involved. Ezrin's memory is not flawless, but I have one where he said the first solo was one take. I don't think I have ever seen or read Ezrin say the outro solo was one take, so no idea where Roger got that from. Nothing special about that, as it was a pre written solo, so David had time to perfect it before the final recording.

    Below is I what David said about the outro solo back in 1993. Roger said Guthrie edited the best bits together, which may be true, but that makes it sound like Guthrie picked which parts to use. David says he did that himself.

    "I just went out into the studio and banged out five or six solos. From there I just followed my usual procedure, which is to listen back to each solo and mark out bar lines, saying which bits are good. In other words, I make a chart, putting ticks and crosses on different bars as I count through: two ticks if it's really good, one tick if it's good and cross if it's no go. Then I just follow the chart, whipping one fader up, then another fader, jumping from phrase to phrase and trying to make a really nice solo all the way through. That's the way we did it on "Comfortably Numb". It wasn't that difficult. But sometimes you find yourself jumping from one note to another in an impossible way. Then you have to go to another place and find a transition that sounds more natural" - David Gilmour from Guitar World 1993

    David Gilmour Tone Building - gear and tone guide


    Roger should stop talking I think...


      sorry if it has already been posted


        Bob talked a bit about this in the Raconteurs podcast last year. Even in that interview it is sometimes not clear if he is talking about the first or second solo, the solos on the demo, or the final recordings. The way the conversations jumps around, it gets a bit muddled, but here is some of what he said.

        “I remember being in the room when he played that for the first time (the demo solos) on our guide track, because we made guide tracks for everything…it’s a long story."

        Then later in the interview - "That solo is, in the history according to Ezrin, a first take, and David remembers it the same way (I think he means what he previously said about the first solo). However, I have been chastised by James Guthrie, who is very cross with me because apparently I’m stealing his thunder. Actually it was done over several takes in France while I was in Château Miraval with Roger. He (James) was the one that recorded it. It doesn’t matter. What matters it that it’s the best guitar solo I have ever heard. Par none. How many great guitar solos can you sing? I mean you can sing this one (I think he means the first solo here). There were so many…do you know how many bits and pieces there were to that record? And how many personalities we had to manage, and how we had the record company going crazy and all that’ stuff (referring to Bob taking the tapes home every night to keep the rocked company from stealing them), so forgive me James Guthrie, but take a fuckin’ chill pill. There was a lot going on and if I don’t say it quite right, sorry. I’m not killing anybody.

        There is also this funny bit about the children’s choir on Another Brick II -

        “what could be better than that choir on the second half? That choir, you know success has many fathers. So that choir was thought up by Roger, by Nick Griffiths, by James Guthrie, by me, by everybody and his kid brother…my recollection of it was when in doubt, get kids (referring to his work on Alice Cooper’s School’s Out).

        David Gilmour Tone Building - gear and tone guide


          It would probably be better if Bob were clearer on which solo. I remember an interview I heard where Dave says there are two approaches to solos: sing a solo onto tape, then transpose it to guitar, and blow off a bunch of takes and stitch together a good solo from the best parts. C Numb was both. Dave sang the 1st solo, then learned it. That's why it never changes. It IS likely he did it first take because that solo was well rehearsed


            If I remember correctly, Bricks 2 was a one take solo...

