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Pink Floyd AI

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    Pink Floyd AI

    i have heard clips of songs online from people who claim to have made AI listen to a certain band for a certain amount of time, and then ask the AI to spit out what the next song could sound like by that band.

    i was wondering what would happen if someone did the same thing with Pink Floyd. possibly, omit everything after THE WALL... just to hear what they may sound like if they continued as a 4 piece. i think it would be interesting to say the least. i think it would be cool to get an entire album of amazing music, or we could all laugh at something hilariously weird/bad.

    I'm divided...
    Indeed I would be very curious to hear the result, I have no idea what it could be.
    But it also poses a great philosophical problem to me. Art is unique to human beings and it provokes emotional reactions.
    In our case, let's ask ourselves the question: there is the chain "Pink Floyd > instruments + technology > music". We like it. What exactly are we reacting to?

    I get off listening to music made by four guys who get off playing it.
    I can't see myself remaining in admiration before a computer that invents music for me. The art here is in the invention of the machine and in real life this machine is a dehumanizing war machine.

    -Are you coming to the concert tonight?
    -What concert? Pink Floyd?
    -No, Deep Blue

    Ha ha​


      1) Historically, the use of machines in most cases comes from the desire to get the maximum profit. Therefore, it is not surprising that sometimes the technical and economic side of the issue has literally trampled the question of morality.

      2) For some time I have been haunted by the thought: someone with the help of a neural network begins to "improve" the music of PF. This can be treated in different ways, but if the neural network starts processing outtakes and so on?
      Then the "authorship" will instantly pass to the creators of the neural network, the direct participants of the "restoration and improvement" and somewhere at the very end of the list we will be able to see familiar names???​:facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm:
      We were all on the same page



        This topic.

        IF our four guys had kept PF despite their squabbles, in my opinion the next album would have had the format of UMMAGUMMA and contained acute world problems only in the part of Roger.

        Perhaps the album part of Roger would have turned into a solo album, which we now know as Final Cut.

        Perhaps the album part of Nick would emphasize his collaboration with Carla Bley.

        Perhaps Rick's album part would have contained Greek melodies.

        I'm sure David's album part would have contained something similar to "One Slip".​
        Last edited by YASHA; 05-22-2023, 04:32 PM.
        We were all on the same page




          “ChatGPT, suggest lyrics for a Pink Floyd song named “Another Brick In the Wall (Part 4)”


          (Verse 1)
          In the chaos of conformity, we're born to abide,
          Another brick in the wall, standing side by side.
          But behind these walls, a fire starts to ignite,
          A voice of rebellion, ready to take flight.

          Hey, teachers, leave us kids alone,
          Break down the barriers, let our spirits be known.
          We're not just bricks in a structure so tall,
          We'll rise together, break down the wall.

          (Verse 2)
          In the digital age, where screens invade our minds,
          The echoes of freedom, they're hard to find.
          But deep within, a flicker of hope remains,
          A generation rising, breaking society's chains.

          Hey, teachers, leave us kids alone,
          Break down the barriers, let our spirits be known.
          We're not just bricks in a structure so tall,
          We'll rise together, break down the wall.

          Guitar solos weave tales of defiance,
          Drums pounding with a rebellious alliance.
          The music builds, like a storm that will roar,
          Unifying voices, forevermore.

          (Verse 3)
          In the face of oppression, we'll stand tall,
          United as one, we'll tear down the wall.
          For education that nurtures, not confines,
          A future where creativity eternally shines.

          Hey, teachers, leave us kids alone,
          Break down the barriers, let our spirits be known.
          We're not just bricks in a structure so tall,
          We'll rise together, break down the wall.

          The anthem of freedom echoes far and wide,
          As walls crumble, the spirit can't be denied.
          Another brick in the wall, but we'll break free,
          A world where individuality can truly be.​


            Honestly I'd like to do a Syd Barret AI voice training and have it fill in the vocals that are missing from many early Floyd audio like Stockholm 67, Copenhagen 67, Rotterdamn 67 etc. It would also be cool to train AI on early Floyd live stuff so it could simulate a full UFO show based on improv styles, song titles vocal AI training of all the Floyd members etc.

            We may be able to have AI soon simulate a full UFO 1966 concert based on all the audio and various live clips we have of early Floyd. I'm sure the purist would freak the fuck out but it would be cool just to have, since we are left with so little from Syd ERA Floyd in their prime this is the only other real alternative.




                I want to avoid AI as much as possible. I'll stick to reality, even if the sound quality is not as good.

                I don't even "hey Google" "hey Bixby" anything
                I don't use voice to text. I've reached my technology line. I'm not crossing over.

                If AI can cure cancer someday, I'll listen.
                Last edited by FloydFlashback; 05-21-2023, 07:34 PM.


                  When the designers themselves warn us against their own inventions, we have to ask ourselves questions...
                  This was the case for the A-bomb, it is the case for AI. Two very different cases, of course. For AI, integration of Asimov's laws of robotics would certainly have been a good precaution.
                  But who still knows Asimov?


                    Originally posted by Elisto54 View Post
                    When the designers themselves warn us against their own inventions, we have to ask ourselves questions...
                    This was the case for the A-bomb, it is the case for AI. Two very different cases, of course. For AI, integration of Asimov's laws of robotics would certainly have been a good precaution.
                    But who still knows Asimov?
                    Of course it is so it.

                    The machine must remain a machine.​
                    We were all on the same page



                      I think at times the warnings can get way overblown, same was said of the internet itself at one time. Yea Ai is going to be a game changer and is already allowing us to do things that would be considered pure magic 5-10 years ago but we tend to adapt and integrate new tech and over time it becomes common place.

                      I also tend to think at times it's not about the tech but about how we as a society adapt to it that is important, some thought photoshop may be the end of truth and or art etc. In the end this will probably just end up being a very powerful tool people use like other powerful tools and we will adapt slightly to it and keep moving on with our lives and maybe it makes better changes for society. At some point we have to deal with people not NEEDING to work, allowing people to move onto to better things has been a great thing that technology has provided us through human history and is really the reason we live in this modern world in the first place. We should not prop up obsolete jobs just to give people something to do, we should work on giving those people something more efficient and modern to do OR move to something where people do not have to have 1 or more full time jobs just to survive. Maybe the AI movement puts so many people out of a job we have to change our entire socio economic ideal to be less dependent on a monetary goal. That is long term where we need to head anyway.

                      Also if you are not interested in what you can currently do with AI or do in the future you have the option to ignore it and not consume media that was either created or edited using AI. Nothing new is going to delete or replace anything that came out before it, for myself I'd love to see what a properly trained AI could do with filling in missing Syd vocals from live Syd Era Floyd or even trying to simulate a full UFO concert. Since we will never have these items as they do not exist AI generation of them is not going to take anything away from anyone.
                      Last edited by swanlee; 05-22-2023, 05:19 PM.


                        I just took a very quick read over this thread and I read some interesting, yet even disturbing passages.
                        There's the ChatGPT lyrics, which are... interesting, to say the least and most charming on that...
                        To me the most intriguing idea was that Syd voice thing...
                        There was something about use of machines, that is always to maximize profits: Do you really think they introduced the VCS3 to maximize profits???
                        I also read about whether ot not improving PFs music with AI, which definitely would end up in bullshit. There's nothing to improve...
                        OK, AMLOR and TDB both are haunted by a lack of Roger's songs, while Roger's albums lack floyd spirit - all solo albums of all of them do, but they're solo albums.

                        The point about Pink Floyd is (as it would be about the Beatles) that the music they played isn't only made by intelligence.
                        What one would need to make perfectly faked Pink Floyd (or Beatles) music is not artificial intelligence only, it would need AE: artificial emotion!
                        To give you the very least of necessary examples:
                        - Nick's drumming (constantly switching between straight and shuffled notes)
                        - Dave's soloing (nothing to explain... sound, timing, feel)
                        - Rick's tasteful use of synths. There were many keyboarders with a Solina and a Moog in the 1970's. But did you ever hear any equally unobtrusive synth outside of a Pink Floyd album?
                        ​- Roger's impulsiveness (CWTAE screams and rants, Sheep screams, the whole FC vocals, the driving while not too precise bass lines on virtually all live recordings, but anytime almost perfectly congruent with Nick (see above)).

                        I think we don't have to be too anxious about being confronted AI-made with brilliant fake outtakes of our favourite band in the near future.
                        We just have to watch the news more carefully...
                        Last edited by creamcheese; 05-22-2023, 05:40 PM.


                          It's scary but at the same time it will be possible to get new Floyd like music in next 5 years so I will like to hear it.


                            But it won't be Pink Floyd. No soul, not art. Hard pass for me.
                            Last edited by FloydFlashback; 05-23-2023, 12:51 AM.


                              Originally posted by FloydFlashback View Post
                              But it won't be Pink Floyd. No soul, not art. Hard pass for me.
                              There's a famous bit from the Abbey Road interviews where Roger Waters is responding to the accusations that the band get the machines to do all the work. His point is that the machines aren't capable of any creativity, it has to exist in the musician's heads first as an idea, and they select its final recorded form too. So, there's that.

