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Water sounds in the BBC '68 Embryo

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    Water sounds in the BBC '68 Embryo

    Has anyone ever noticed the water sounds that can be heard throughout the version of Embryo from the 1968 session? Not sure if this has been discussed before. It's easy to miss.

    Originally posted by Demamo View Post
    Has anyone ever noticed the water sounds that can be heard throughout the version of Embryo from the 1968 session? Not sure if this has been discussed before. It's easy to miss.
    Presumably to represent the "gurgling" sounds they mention, or amniotic fluid. Or presaging Ozric Tentacles' masterpiece "Sploosh"!


    • Demamo
      Demamo commented
      Editing a comment
      The thought crossed my mind but it seems a bit tongue in cheek. If sounds like someone is filling up a glass of water. If you haven't heard it people, it at a few points in the song, going over parts you've heard dozens of times.